21 items
21 items
Recommendation to approve relocation (ddr-densho-355-193)
for Gentaro Takahashi, Talkao Nogaki, Takashi Fori, from War Relocation Authority
Seven men standing on shore (ddr-densho-383-17)
Back row, left to right: William Takahashi, Toshimi Nishimura, and Takashi Matsumoto. George Tokuda in front row, second from left.
Group at Obon Festival (ddr-ajah-3-270)
Caption below photo: Buddhist Temple of Alameda, CA obon festival circa early 1950s
Tomoye and Norman Takahashi standing by Nozawa gravestone (ddr-densho-426-191)
Stone marker for graves of Tomoyuki and Masano Nozawa. Caption on back in Japanese
Group at Obon Festival (ddr-ajah-3-272)
Caption below photo: Buddhist Temple of Alameda, CA obon festival circa early 1950s
Group at Obon Festival (ddr-ajah-3-268)
Caption below photo: Buddhist Temple of Alameda, CA obon festival circa early 1950s
Group at Obon Festival (ddr-ajah-3-283)
Caption below photo: Buddhist Temple of Alameda, CA obon festival circa early 1950s
Group of men at table with food and drinks (ddr-ajah-3-13)
Caption below photo: A group of Niseis celebrate with food and drink, including bottle of Kist and Nehi sodas, and empty sake cups. These men were known to help at the Buddhist Temple of Alameda, CA., but the event and date is unknown. Caption includes names
Group at picnic (ddr-ajah-3-301)
Caption below photo: Buddhist Temple of alameda, CA., picnic circa 1950s
Amache Elementary School Handbook (ddr-densho-356-813)
Amache Elementary School Handbook that lists faculty members, school curriculum and layout.
Duplicate of ddr-ajah-3-241 with individuals identified (ddr-ajah-3-242)
Caption on photo front: Dinner to commemorate the Gomonshu's February 7, 1952 visit to the Buddhist Temple of Alameda, CA
Survey Results (ddr-densho-356-989)
Typed up individual responses to a survey conducted on families at Granada in June 1943.
Handwritten notes (ddr-densho-356-991)
Handwritten notes regarding survey (object 898), including individual answers to the survey.
1981 Membership Roster MIS Association of Northern California (ddr-ajah-2-23)
Contact information redacted
Japanese Directory 1931 (ddr-densho-423-340)
Includes portraits of families at home or at businesses, large group photos at community gatherings such a sports events, photos of businesses including shops, factories and farms, and address lists. Listing includes five names at the address of the Starlight Laundry: Choko Nozawa, Takeyoshi Omura; Fusatoshi Sakanai, Takasuke Takeshita, Nobuo Yasaki