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86 items
Portrait of group of men in uniform (ddr-ajah-2-741)
img Portrait of group of men in uniform (ddr-ajah-2-741)
Caption below photo: Ben Moriwaki / Chikateru Inouye / Tak Hirabayashi / Walter Tanaka / Yukio Kawamoto / Ken Kato / Kayano, George / Terry Takahashi / Chisaka / Harold Fudenna / Don Hikido / Sho Ishii / Roy Ashizawa / Topaz, Utah, December, 1942
Japanese American soldiers (ddr-densho-37-660)
img Japanese American soldiers (ddr-densho-37-660)
Original WRA caption: Ready to report to Ft. Douglas for their first step toward a "fighting life", nine men are shown in their civilian clothes for the last time for the duration. They are, standing, left to right, Yoshio Terada, Frank Yaguchi, John Sadanaga, Ken Namba; seated, Hit Kanzaki, Mitsuru Takahashi, Roy Akabe, Johnny Uno, and …
Entry Blank for East Bay JACL 2nd Annual Tournament (ddr-densho-422-515)
doc Entry Blank for East Bay JACL 2nd Annual Tournament (ddr-densho-422-515)
Entry form for Laing Photos Team. With handwritten notes about team on back.
Portrait of group of men in uniform (ddr-ajah-2-800)
img Portrait of group of men in uniform (ddr-ajah-2-800)
Caption: Niseis from the Military Intelligence School at Camp Savage, Minnesota visit friends and family incarcerated at Topaz, Utah - December 4. 1942. Includes names.