1051 items
1051 items

Man and two children on beach (ddr-densho-426-989)
Norman and Masako Takahashi with Henri Takahashi (?)

Two women and two men seated at table (ddr-densho-426-32)
Tomoye Takahashi on left, Henri Takahashi on right.

Henri and Tomoye (Nozawa) Takahashi Family Papers, 1946-2002 (ddr-densho-422)
The Henri and Tomoye (Nozawa) Takahashi Personal Papers - 1946-2002 collections contains correspondence, documents and photos related to the Takahashi families return to San Francisco after incarceration at Topaz camp, the development of Takahashi Imports and Takahashi Trading Company, Includes correspondence and documents relating to Henri Takahashi death in 2002, charitable work by the Takahashi Company …

Blank Form from Underwood and Royal Portable Typewriters, Radios (ddr-densho-424-591)
Henri Takahashi, Authorized Dealer