26 items
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Two girls in kimonos (ddr-ajah-6-205)
Caption below photo: Alice Takahashi (left) and Misao Sato pose in their kimonos in Alameda, CA, 1954
Card from Alice Lawson Count to Tomoye Takahashi and Masako Suzuki (ddr-densho-422-357)
Condolence card after Henri Takahashi's death
Group at Obon Festival (ddr-ajah-3-268)
Caption below photo: Buddhist Temple of Alameda, CA obon festival circa early 1950s
Group at Obon Festival (ddr-ajah-3-284)
Caption below photo: Buddhist Temple of Alameda, CA obon festival circa early 1950s
Five girls on stage in costume (ddr-ajah-3-321)
Caption below photo: Entertainment on stage at the Buddhist Temple of Alameda, CA, circa 1950s. Backdrop screen painted by Shigeru Yamamoto
Portrait of six young women in costume (ddr-ajah-3-333)
Caption below photo: Buddhist Temple of Alameda, CA, stageshow entertainment, circa 1950s
Nine children posing in costume (ddr-ajah-3-288)
Caption below photo: Buddhist Temple of Alameda, CA obon festival circa early 1950s
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 64, No. 15 (April 14, 1967) (ddr-pc-39-16)
Selected article titles: "High tribunal impressed by Nisei plea in Loving case" (p. 1), Unanimous supreme court favors late yen claimants" (p. 1), "Housing act overhaul proposed" (p. 1), "Sokagakkai subversive charge recoils Commission" (p. 1), "McCarran Internal Security Act of 1950 seen as step to avert another Evacuation" (p. 3).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 64, No. 20 (May 19, 1967) (ddr-pc-39-21)
Selected article titles: "Sansei in Calif. divided on integration, FEPC told" (p. 1), "Draft problems in Hawaii minimal, says Col. Oyasato" (p. 1), "Nisei represented on all levels of Livingston area school boards" (p. 1), "Nikkei janitors quit over union" (p. 1).
Coast Jap Evacuees Tell Of New Life in Own Paper (October 4, 1942) (ddr-densho-56-848)
The Seattle Daily Times, October 4, 1942, p. 8
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 65, No. 19 (November 10, 1967) (ddr-pc-39-46)
Selected article titles: "Civil rights, executive reorganization top concern" (p. 1), "Reject idea that people must learn their rights, rights exist because people are human beings" (p. 1), "Baby learns while having diaper changed" (p. 3), "Nisei children overweight but taller-Tsumori" (p. 4).
University of California, Berkeley honorary degree materials (ddr-densho-433-979)
A collection of materials related to a 2009 event hosted by the University of California, Berkeley to honor students who were removed from the college due to Executive Order 9066.
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 43, No. 25 (December 21, 1956) (ddr-pc-28-51)
Selected article titles: "Ishihara had plenty to say on any subject but himself" (p. 3), "Immigrants and an Incredible Law" (p. 4), "Nisei became aware of prejudice on Dec. 7" (p. 5), "Ken Utsunomiya: a legacy of courage and faith" (p. 6), "Interest of other Asian ancestry groups in United States necessary" (p. 7), "Six San …
Group photo of attendees at 10th Anniversary Ball of SF JACL (ddr-densho-426-1792)
Inscription on front: Tenth Anniversary Ball of SF JACL, October 28, 1938. Names of individuals in photo on back including Henri Takahashi, Tomoye Nozawa, National President Walter Tsukamoto, Chapter President Saburo Kido
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