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608 items
Letter from Tomoye To Henri Takahashi (ddr-densho-422-132)
doc Letter from Tomoye To Henri Takahashi (ddr-densho-422-132)
She has been negotiating with a kite maker, very artistic man who would like to work exclusively with Takahashis.
Letter from Tomoye Takahashi to Henri Takahashi (ddr-densho-422-262)
doc Letter from Tomoye Takahashi to Henri Takahashi (ddr-densho-422-262)
Has been looking at different locations and is excited about expanding, business is doing well.
Letter from Tomoye Takahashi to Henri Takahashi (ddr-densho-422-150)
doc Letter from Tomoye Takahashi to Henri Takahashi (ddr-densho-422-150)
Almost done with her buying trip and will be heading home soon, details about various products and makers
Letter from Tomoye to Takahashis (ddr-densho-422-134)
doc Letter from Tomoye to Takahashis (ddr-densho-422-134)
Description of the place she is staying, her train trip, will try to see Mr. Yoshida in the hospital who is sick with liver disease.
Letter from Tomoye to Henri Takahashi, Karen and Jim (ddr-densho-422-129)
doc Letter from Tomoye to Henri Takahashi, Karen and Jim (ddr-densho-422-129)
She has been visiting small producers of bamboo products, mostly family cottage industries, is leaving to go to Moji to visit Henri's family, but regrets that can only stay briefly, mentions that the behavior of the men in the US occupation forces is shameful.
Letter from Tomoye to Henri Takahashi (ddr-densho-422-121)
doc Letter from Tomoye to Henri Takahashi (ddr-densho-422-121)
She believes Takahashi is getting a bad reputation in Japan for not communicating with vendors and makers. Insists that Henri follow through with vendors, and if he doesn't start treating them better, she will be too ashamed to face them and won't come on more buying trips.
Letter from Tomoye Takahashi to Henri Takahashi (ddr-densho-422-270)
doc Letter from Tomoye Takahashi to Henri Takahashi (ddr-densho-422-270)
Ideas about designs, need to keep matches in stock, saw a lot on Telegraph Hill that she thinks has possibilities
Letter from Tomoye Takahashi to Henri Takahashi (ddr-densho-422-42)
doc Letter from Tomoye Takahashi to Henri Takahashi (ddr-densho-422-42)
Information about items she is looking at, for the store and for their home
Letter from Tami (Tomoye) Takahashi to Henri Takahashi (ddr-densho-422-231)
doc Letter from Tami (Tomoye) Takahashi to Henri Takahashi (ddr-densho-422-231)
News of the family, kids activities, is planning to do some work on the house while he is gone
Letter from Tami (Tomoye) Takahashi to Henri Takahashi (ddr-densho-422-234)
doc Letter from Tami (Tomoye) Takahashi to Henri Takahashi (ddr-densho-422-234)
Discussion of situation with acquaintance who needs bailing out of jail, she offered a deal that Takahashi's would get his travel agency business if he defaults on the loan.
Letter from Tomoye Takahashi to Henri Takahashi (ddr-densho-422-59)
doc Letter from Tomoye Takahashi to Henri Takahashi (ddr-densho-422-59)
Met an American designer with a shop in Tokyo, details about buying trips and negotiations with vendors
Letter from Tami (Tomoye) Takahashi to Henri Takahashi (ddr-densho-422-236)
doc Letter from Tami (Tomoye) Takahashi to Henri Takahashi (ddr-densho-422-236)
In the end, they were unable to help out their acquaintance in jail, rain is causing a lot of damage, thoughts on purchases and contacts for Henri to pursue.
Letter from Tomoye Takahashi to Henri Takahashi (ddr-densho-422-20)
doc Letter from Tomoye Takahashi to Henri Takahashi (ddr-densho-422-20)
News of visits with friends and relatives in Japan, details about buying trip
Letter from Tomoye to Henri Takahashi (ddr-densho-422-135)
doc Letter from Tomoye to Henri Takahashi (ddr-densho-422-135)
She in running short of money, ask Henri what she should do, wait in Japan until the children come later for a visit, return to SF and attend merchandising fairs in NY and SF, asks if Henri can send money.
Letter from Tami (Tomoye) Takahashi to Henri Takahashi (ddr-densho-422-239)
doc Letter from Tami (Tomoye) Takahashi to Henri Takahashi (ddr-densho-422-239)
Dealing with the banks and financial paperwork, ask him to buy scissors, let them know what he thinks about he Chicago Trade Show
Letter from Tomoye Takahashi to Henri Takahashi (ddr-densho-422-257)
doc Letter from Tomoye Takahashi to Henri Takahashi (ddr-densho-422-257)
Has been getting business advice from various sources, but not impressed, attended a local business luncheon which was more useful for making contacts.
Letter from Tomoye to Henri Takahashi (ddr-densho-422-137)
doc Letter from Tomoye to Henri Takahashi (ddr-densho-422-137)
On train heading to Tokoku. Had intended to cancel trip there but had to go through with it to save face. Needs money to continue to stay in Japan.
Letter from Tomoye Takahashi to Henri Takahashi (ddr-densho-422-40)
doc Letter from Tomoye Takahashi to Henri Takahashi (ddr-densho-422-40)
Telling him about her travels, the items she has bought and ordered, and deciding on what to do next
Letter from Helen Takahashi to Henri Takahashi; Letter from Tomoye (Nozawa) Takahashi to Henri Takahashi.  In same envelope (ddr-densho-410-413)
doc Letter from Helen Takahashi to Henri Takahashi; Letter from Tomoye (Nozawa) Takahashi to Henri Takahashi. In same envelope (ddr-densho-410-413)
Letter 1: Helen plans to come to San Francisco to visit him after Easter, sent cards to the Yabuki family. Letter 2: Rice is scarce in the camps now, most being sent overseas as part of the lend-lease program, some have had no rice for weeks, encourages Henri to get a job soon as they will …
Letter from Tomoye to Henri Takahashi (ddr-densho-410-114)
doc Letter from Tomoye to Henri Takahashi (ddr-densho-410-114)
Still in hospital on bed rest, is not happy with the doctors that will be there for the birth, looking forward to living in her own house again, Frank Nedbal sold the laundry business without consulting with them.