160 items
160 items

Standard Teaching Credential (ddr-densho-338-479)
A Standard Teaching Credential with a specialization in elementary teaching earned by Guyo Tajiri.

College course records (ddr-densho-338-335)
The course grades and credits for Guyo Tajiri while attending San Francisco State University.

"A Tribute to Guyo Tajiri" (ddr-densho-338-137)
A Nichi Bei tribute to Guyo Tajiri after her passing on September 7, 2007.

Standard Teaching Credential (ddr-densho-338-480)
A Standard Teaching Credential with a specialization in elementary teaching earned by Guyo Tajiri.

College course records (ddr-densho-338-324)
The course grades and credits for Guyo Tajiri while attending San Francisco State University.

College course records (ddr-densho-338-334)
The course grades and credits for Guyo Tajiri while attending San Francisco State University.

Travel permit (ddr-densho-338-182)
Travel permit allowing Guyo Tajiri to move to Salt Lake City, Utah before forced removal.

Song lyrics (ddr-densho-338-173)
Lyrics of a song thanking Larry and Guyo Tajiri for their work running the Pacific Citizen.

Newspaper clipping (ddr-densho-338-138)
Newspaper clipping annoucing Guyo Tajiri being named Phi Beta Kappa at the University of Colorado at Boulder.

Telegram requesting to join in the recognition of the Pacific Citizen (ddr-densho-338-359)
The JACL Committee of 150 honored Larry and Guyo Tajiri for their work with the Pacific Citizen.

Letter adding a contribution to the gift fund for Larry and Guyo Tajiri (ddr-densho-338-400)
The JACL Committee of 150 honored Larry and Guyo Tajiri for their work with the Pacific Citizen.

Letter adding a contribution to the gift fund for Larry and Guyo Tajiri (ddr-densho-338-364)
The JACL Committee of 150 honored Larry and Guyo Tajiri for their work with the Pacific Citizen.

Letter adding a contribution to the gift fund for Larry and Guyo Tajiri (ddr-densho-338-375)
The JACL Committee of 150 honored Larry and Guyo Tajiri for their work with the Pacific Citizen.

Note about the JACL Committee of 150 (ddr-densho-338-358)
The JACL Committee of 150 honored Larry and Guyo Tajiri for their work with the Pacific Citizen.

Letter regarding a contribution request for the gift fund for Larry and Guyo Tajiri (ddr-densho-338-385)
The JACL Committee of 150 honored Larry and Guyo Tajiri for their work with the Pacific Citizen.

Letter adding a contribution to the gift fund for Larry and Guyo Tajiri (ddr-densho-338-374)
The JACL Committee of 150 honored Larry and Guyo Tajiri for their work with the Pacific Citizen.

Letter adding a contribution to the gift fund for Larry and Guyo Tajiri (ddr-densho-338-371)
The JACL Committee of 150 honored Larry and Guyo Tajiri for their work with the Pacific Citizen.

Letter from JACL leadership discussing the formation of the Committee of 150 (ddr-densho-338-366)
The JACL Committee of 150 honored Larry and Guyo Tajiri for their work with the Pacific Citizen.

Letter adding a contribution to the gift fund for Larry and Guyo Tajiri (ddr-densho-338-377)
The JACL Committee of 150 honored Larry and Guyo Tajiri for their work with the Pacific Citizen.

Letter adding a contribution to the gift fund for Larry and Guyo Tajiri (ddr-densho-338-362)
The JACL Committee of 150 honored Larry and Guyo Tajiri for their work with the Pacific Citizen.

Note regarding the JACL Committee of 150 (ddr-densho-338-361)
The JACL Committee of 150 honored Larry and Guyo Tajiri for their work with the Pacific Citizen.

Note to Guyo Tajiri about the JACL Committee of 150 (ddr-densho-338-357)
The JACL Committee of 150 honored Larry and Guyo Tajiri for their work with the Pacific Citizen.

Letter adding a contribution to the gift fund for Larry and Guyo Tajiri (ddr-densho-338-390)
The JACL Committee of 150 honored Larry and Guyo Tajiri for their work with the Pacific Citizen.

Letter adding a contribution to the gift fund for Larry and Guyo Tajiri (ddr-densho-338-394)
The JACL Committee of 150 honored Larry and Guyo Tajiri for their work with the Pacific Citizen.

Letter adding a contribution to the gift fund for Larry and Guyo Tajiri (ddr-densho-338-403)
The JACL Committee of 150 honored Larry and Guyo Tajiri for their work with the Pacific Citizen.