20 items
20 items

Minidoka baseball team (ddr-densho-518-146)
Written next to photograph in scrapbook: [left to right, back row] Frank Okita, Mako, Harry Nakashima, Haggie Nakashima, Kay Kukuni, Suzuki, Fat, Mits Yano, [front row] Hank Ozawa, Shig Urakawa, Roy Tsuchida, Sat Hirata, Tad Tsuji, Aki Koda, Jim Koga, Wienie Hiroshige.

Green Lake Young People's Club (ddr-densho-136-28)
Members of the Green Lake Seinenkai (young people's club), a social club primarily for Nisei in their teens and twenties. This club organized athletic, cultural, and social activities such as formal dances (pictured here). (L to R): Tak Nakawatase, Shuichi Abe, Toshiko Fukano, Naoshi Kumagai, Minnie Ota, Kiyoshi Tada, May Kumasaka, Nobi Yamada, Ko Suzuki, Sumio …

Green Lake Young People's Club (ddr-densho-130-4)
Members of the Green Lake Seinenkai (young people's club), a social club primarily for Nisei in their teens and twenties. This club organized athletic, cultural, and social activities such as formal dances (pictured here). (L to R): Tak Nakawatase, Shuichi Abe, Toshiko Fukano, Naoshi Kumagai, Minnie Ota, Kiyoshi Tada, May Kumasaka, Nobi Yamada, Ko Suzuki, Sumio …

Green Lake Young People's Club (ddr-densho-130-1)
Members of the Green Lake Seinenkai (young people's club), a social club primarily for Nisei in their teens and twenties. This club organized athletic, cultural, and social activities such as formal dances (pictured here). Back row (L to R): Kiyoshi Tada, Makoto Sasaki, Shuichi Abe, Eddie Kanno. Middle row (L to R): Nobi Yamada, Sumio Mochizuki, …

Group photograph at a wedding event (ddr-densho-518-260)
Large group photograph with Yoshie Fujihira and Harry Nakashima seated in the center, likely for a wedding event. Written next to photograph in scrapbook: [left to right, back row] Hyusaka, Sugitachi, Horiuchi, Rev. Tarao, Jim, Haggie, Tomi, Tama, Kimi, Terrie, Fred, Sugitachi, Suzuki, [middle row] Endo, Hellen, Mrs. Nakashi, Harry [Nakashima], Yochan [Yoshie Fujihira], Endo, Horiuchi, …

"R.T.C. 208 Co. B, 2nd Platoon, Camp Blanding Florida, Aug. - Dec. 1943" (ddr-densho-201-404)
Caption on reverse: "1st Row: George Tanagi Seattle, John Tanaka - Idaho Falls, Joe Ono - , Nobu Sakaguchi - , Satoru Sakuma, Mt. Vernon, Wash., Tamio Sakata, Roy Ono - Los Angles [sic], Mits Sakurada - Blackfoot Idaho, Ted Tadehara. 2nd Row: Emo Suzuki, Frank Shiota, Roy Ono, Ishida, Ernist [sic] Seko, Shiozaki - Idaho …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 49, No. 12 (September 18, 1959) (ddr-pc-31-38)
Selected article titles: "JACL joins nat'l organizations for meaningful civil rights bill" (p. 1), "Immigration law liberalized to reunite family units, bill on President's desk" (p. 1), "Important to look back to past as well as to future in all types of planning, Wakamatsu tells CLers at EDC-MDC confab" (p. 3), "300-mile radius of Magic Valley …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 64, No. 1 (January 6, 1967) (ddr-pc-39-1)
Selected article titles: "NIMH grants $221,690 to Issei History Project" (p. 1), "JACL to file amicus brief on Loving case" (p. 1), "Chapter awareness of civil rights aim of EDC implementation plans" (p. 3), "Interracial dating subject of CCDC youth discussions" (p. 4).

"RTC 208 B Company, Camp Blanding Florida, Aug. - Dec. 1944" (ddr-densho-201-403)
Caption on reverse: "Property of Masao Sakagami. Nob [?] Sakagami [illegible] #34. RTC 208 B Company, Camp Blanding Florida, Aug. - Dec. 1944. 1st row: 1. Nukaya, 2. [unidentified], 3. Enro Okada, 4. [unidentified], 5. Shig Matsukawa, 6. Joe Matsuzaki, 7. Mitsuru Sakurada, 8. Tamio Sakata, 9. Satoru Sakuma, 10. Ishida, 11. ?? Sakuma. 2nd: 1. …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 49, No. 13 (September 25, 1959) (ddr-pc-31-39)
Selected article titles: "Inouye prays U.S. stay firm after 'K' visit" (p. 1), "Negroes urged by newspaper columnist to maintain close ties with Nisei" (p. 1), "Private bill signed to admit Japanese ex-TB immigrant" (p. 1), "Nisei VFW post poker palace license fight ends, more clubs may be opened" (p. 3), "JACL's long-standing record on civil …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 48, No. 23 (June 5, 1959) (ddr-pc-31-23)
Selected article titles: "Oregon governor names JACLer to state agricultural board" (p. 1), "Toronto editorial asks Canadian gov't to apologize for its Japanese evacuation" (p. 1), "Control of Seabrook farms transferred" (p. 1), "2,600 U.S. Issei naturalized in 1958 fiscal year" (p. 1), "Editorial samplings of nation's press supports Justice Dept. view on evacuation; one columnist …

Fujihira family photograph album (ddr-densho-518-4)
An album containing photographs from the Fujihira family's time at Minidoka.

Amache Reunion materials folder (ddr-densho-390-140)
An Amache reunion materials folder with an itinerary printed on the inside.

Scrapbook for Fremont JACL (ddr-densho-491-177)
Containing photos, meeting notes, document related to special events, membership lists, social events from 1976

1981 Membership Roster MIS Association of Northern California (ddr-ajah-2-23)
Contact information redacted