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12 items
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 71, No. 3 (July 17, 1970) (ddr-pc-42-28)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 71, No. 3 (July 17, 1970) (ddr-pc-42-28)
Selected article titles: "High convention cost scrutinized" (p. 1), "Joe Grant Masaoka dead" (p. Reparations bill sought by NC-WNDC for all Japanese American evacuees" (p. 1), "'Orientals' added to education code" (p. 1), "JACL ethnic heritage committee proposed in Ishimaru report" (p. 4), "Check police behavior, not suspect's" (p. 5), "Need for Asian American Studies" (p. …
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 70, No. 20 (May 22, 1970) (ddr-pc-42-20)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 70, No. 20 (May 22, 1970) (ddr-pc-42-20)
Selected article titles: "Kowtowing Nisei attitude bares 2nd-class mentality" (p. 1), "Japan seen as power in Southeast Asia after U.S. withdraws scene" (p. 1), "What else can be suggested in area of civil rights and human rights?" (p. 1), "Japanese American 'Hard Core' being ignored, community worker charges" (p. 1), "PSW takes anti-war stand" (p. 2), …
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 71, No. 2, (July 10, 1970) (ddr-pc-42-27)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 71, No. 2, (July 10, 1970) (ddr-pc-42-27)
Selected article titles: "JACL Convention Delegates' Special Edition" (p. 1), "Greater emphasis on education urged in 9-point JACL program" (p. 1), "Nisei veterans at Reunion told own war record is 'hallmark of patriotism'" (p. 1), "Japanese Class at Dorsey High O.K. but status of teacher unsettled" (p. 3), "Little Tokyo redevelopment project approved by U.S. govt." …
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 70, No. 2 (January 16, 1970) (ddr-pc-42-2)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 70, No. 2 (January 16, 1970) (ddr-pc-42-2)
Selected article titles: "Immigration laws may earn '70 dress" (p. 1), "JACL grants $1,700 to eight needy AJA students" (p. 1), "Calling all chapters to aid Indians" (p. 1), "Morality Guide for Cal. School Use Adopted" (p. 3), "Seek U.S. funds to push teaching or morals, ethics" (p. 3), "Congress will repeal Title II when convinced …
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 71, No. 10 (September 4, 1970) (ddr-pc-42-35)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 71, No. 10 (September 4, 1970) (ddr-pc-42-35)
Selected article titles: "Berkeley police push hunt for Sansei killer" (p. 1), "No literacy test for Issei voters in California now" (p. 1), "Asian actors picket show" (p. 1), "Coroner's jury rules in death of Miss Okubo" (p. 1), "Social service agency executives hear Asian community leaders air problems" (p. 1), "Ethnic studies program initiated at …
Embroidered handkerchief (ddr-densho-518-3)
img Embroidered handkerchief (ddr-densho-518-3)
A handkerchief embroidered with a Minidoka motif and a collection of signatures.
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 48, No. 16 (April 17, 1959) (ddr-pc-31-16)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 48, No. 16 (April 17, 1959) (ddr-pc-31-16)
Selected article titles: "Yen debt claimants seeking pre-war exchange rate" (p. 1), "Cal. FEPC bill signature by governor due" (p. 1), "442nd RCT linked with famous U.S. Army regiments of history" (p. 1), "Nisei greeted as 5-millionth visitor of United Nations" (p. 1), "Fair housing bill in Minnesota reported" (p. 1), "'Nothing in common' between language …
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 48, No. 17 (April 24, 1959) (ddr-pc-31-17)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 48, No. 17 (April 24, 1959) (ddr-pc-31-17)
Selected article titles: "Australia not interested in Americans of Oriental ancestry as immigrants" (p. 1), "Gov. Brown vows to fight FEPC referendum if placed on ballot" (p. 1), "Strandee sues gov't for selling off home" (p. 1), "Salt Lake chapter signs Japanese movie star, now housewife, as 550th member" (p. 4), "Perfumed waters off mudflats of …
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 49, No. 25 (December 18, 1959) (ddr-pc-31-51)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 49, No. 25 (December 18, 1959) (ddr-pc-31-51)
Selected article titles: "Pocatello JACL alerts headline writer in Idaho on use of "Jap" (p. 1), "Nisei files to block deportation order issued 8 years ago" (p. 1), "16 states have specialized agencies to enforce anti-minority discrimination laws" (p. 3).
Heart Mountain Sentinel Vol. I No. 1 (October 24, 1942) (ddr-densho-97-99)
doc Heart Mountain Sentinel Vol. I No. 1 (October 24, 1942) (ddr-densho-97-99)
Selected article titles: "Residents to Name Charter Delegates" (p. 1), "Heart Mountain Inspires Name for New Project Newspaper" (p. 1), "Griffin Warns Reckless Drivers" (p. 1), "First Copies Sent Roosevelt, Myer" (p. 1), "Two Cases Tried by Heart Mountain Court" (p. 2), "Residents Warned of Bogus Wardens" (p. 2), "USO Plans for Center Under Way" (p. …
Scrapbook for Fremont JACL (ddr-densho-491-176)
doc Scrapbook for Fremont JACL (ddr-densho-491-176)
Containing photos, meeting notes, document related to special events, membership lists, social events from 1973-1974.