18 items
18 items

Chizuko Judy Sugita de Quieiroz Interview (ddr-densho-1000-252)
Nisei female. Born September 15, 1932, in Lodi, California. Grew up in Jersey Island, a small island in the Sacramento Delta. Following the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, removed to the Poston concentration camp, Arizona. After leaving camp, returned with family to Los Angeles, California. Graduated from Long Beach State and earned a …

Chizuko Judy Sugita de Quieiroz Interview Segment 6 (ddr-densho-1000-252-6)
Realization that Japanese Americans were singled out for incarceration because of race

Chizuko Judy Sugita de Quieiroz Interview Segment 4 (ddr-densho-1000-252-4)
Too young to remember hearing about the bombing of Pearl Harbor

Chizuko Judy Sugita de Quieiroz Interview Segment 7 (ddr-densho-1000-252-7)
Turning to reading and art in camp

Chizuko Judy Sugita de Quieiroz Interview Segment 1 (ddr-densho-1000-252-1)
Parents' family background

Chizuko Judy Sugita de Quieiroz Interview Segment 15 (ddr-densho-1000-252-15)
Exhibiting art in Hiroshima, Japan

Chizuko Judy Sugita de Quieiroz Interview Segment 9 (ddr-densho-1000-252-9)
Leaving camp and living in a hostel until parents could reestablish business

Chizuko Judy Sugita de Quieiroz Interview Segment 5 (ddr-densho-1000-252-5)
Home ransacked by the FBI

Chizuko Judy Sugita de Quieiroz Interview Segment 11 (ddr-densho-1000-252-11)
Teaching art in the public schools, fighting to avoid funding cuts

Chizuko Judy Sugita de Quieiroz Interview Segment 12 (ddr-densho-1000-252-12)
Teaching, raising children, and doing art

Chizuko Judy Sugita de Quieiroz Interview Segment 8 (ddr-densho-1000-252-8)
Growing up and maturing as a result of camp

Chizuko Judy Sugita de Quieiroz Interview Segment 13 (ddr-densho-1000-252-13)
Retiring from teaching and pursuing art full-time

Chizuko Judy Sugita de Quieiroz Interview Segment 3 (ddr-densho-1000-252-3)
Attending school, beginnings of ethnic identity

Chizuko Judy Sugita de Quieiroz Interview Segment 10 (ddr-densho-1000-252-10)
Impact of incarceration on ethnic identity

Chizuko Judy Sugita de Quieiroz Interview Segment 2 (ddr-densho-1000-252-2)
Memories of family home on Jersey Island

Chizuko Judy Sugita de Quieiroz Interview Segment 14 (ddr-densho-1000-252-14)
Completing a series of paintings based on World War II camp experience

Narrator Chizuko Judy Sugita de Quieiroz
Nisei female. Born September 15, 1932, in Lodi, California. Grew up in Jersey Island, a small island in the Sacramento Delta. Following the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, removed to the Poston concentration camp, Arizona. After leaving camp, returned with family to Los Angeles, California. Graduated from Long Beach State and earned a …