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164 items

Narrator James Sakamoto

Nisei male. Born April 18, 1924, in Mayfield, California. Spent prewar childhood years in Alviso, California. After the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941, moved with family to Stockton, California, in an attempt to avoid mass removal. Despite this, was removed to the Stockton Assembly Center, California, and the Rohwer concentration camp, Arkansas. Resettled in Colorado …
Japanese American auto mechanics (ddr-densho-37-542)
img Japanese American auto mechanics (ddr-densho-37-542)
Original WRA caption: Rohwer Relocation Center, McGehee, Arkansas. In the center motor pool shop, George Kenotsu and George Baba, former Stockton, California mechanics, prepare to remove an automobile motor for overhaul. Mechanical repairs to all center motor equipment is carried out by residents, former west coast persons of Japanese ancestry.
Mother and baby arriving at Stockton (ddr-densho-151-309)
img Mother and baby arriving at Stockton (ddr-densho-151-309)
Original caption: Stockton, California. Young mother of Japanese ancestry has just arrived at this Assembly center with her baby and she is the last to leave the bus. Her identification number is being checked and she will then be directed to her place in the barracks after preliminary medical examination.
Japanese Americans arriving to Stockton (ddr-densho-151-248)
img Japanese Americans arriving to Stockton (ddr-densho-151-248)
Original caption: Stockton, California. People of Japanese ancestry from the Lodi grape-producing district. Their identification numbers and family groups are checked by officials as they leave the buses. They are then directed to the place where their baggage is checked for contraband; medically examined, and assigned to their place in the barracks.
Japanese Americans arriving to Stockton (ddr-densho-151-250)
img Japanese Americans arriving to Stockton (ddr-densho-151-250)
Original caption: Stockton, California. People of Japanese ancestry from the Lodi district. Their identification numbers and family groups are being checked by officials as they leave the buses. They are then directed to the place where their baggage is checked for contraband; medically examined, and assigned to their place in the barracks.
Japanese Americans arriving to Stockton (ddr-densho-151-249)
img Japanese Americans arriving to Stockton (ddr-densho-151-249)
Original caption: Stockton, California. People of Japanese ancestry from the Lodi grape-producing district. Their identification numbers, and family groups are checked by officials as they leave the buses. They are then directed to the place where there baggage is checked for contraband; medically examined, and assigned to their place in the barracks.
Grayce Uyehara Interview (ddr-densho-1000-99)
vh Grayce Uyehara Interview (ddr-densho-1000-99)
Nisei female. Born July 4, 1919. Raised in Stockton, California. During World War II, removed during senior year at College of the Pacific, Stockton, California. Incarcerated at the Stockton Assembly Center and Rohwer concentration camp, Arkansas. Resettled with family members in Philadelphia. Graduated from the University of Pennsylvania School of Social Work. Active volunteer with the …
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 21 No. 21 (November 24, 1945) (ddr-pc-17-47)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 21 No. 21 (November 24, 1945) (ddr-pc-17-47)
Selected article titles: "State Supreme Court May Hear Oyama Test Case on California Alien Land Law" (p. 1), "Repatriates in Canada Fight Deportation" (p. 1), "Wounded Veteran of 442nd Robbed, Slain in Stockton" (p. 1), "Pressure by Pro-Japan Groups on Tule Renunciants Affirmed By Myer; WRA Duress Denied" (p. 2), "Army Barracks Converted for Evacuee Use" …
Mother and children outside of barracks (ddr-densho-151-258)
img Mother and children outside of barracks (ddr-densho-151-258)
Original caption: Stockton, California. This family of Japanese ancestry has just arrived in the center this morning. The mother and the children are waiting at the door of the room in the barracks to which they have been assigned. The father is at the baggage depot where their bedding and clothing are unloaded and inspected for …
Unloading baggage from truck (ddr-densho-151-458)
img Unloading baggage from truck (ddr-densho-151-458)
Original caption: Stockton, California. The first day at an assembly center. A new unit of the barracks is being opened today for the eight busloads of arrivals. This photo shows the luggage and bed-rolls which have come in by truck, deposited here for inspection for contraband. Evacuees then take their possessions to the barracks to which …
CSU Stanislaus Nisaburo Aibara Collection (ddr-csujad-46)
Collection CSU Stanislaus Nisaburo Aibara Collection (ddr-csujad-46)
The Nisaburo Aibara Collection features materials from the Turlock Social Club, a local Japanese-American community group active between 1939 and 1970. It contains documents regarding the Stockton, Turlock and Merced Assembly Centers and Japanese American Citizens League chapters. The Collection also features correspondences with reactions, responses, and preparations for the forced evacuation. Additionally, the Collection has …
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 21 No. 4 (July 28, 1945) (ddr-pc-17-30)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 21 No. 4 (July 28, 1945) (ddr-pc-17-30)
Selected article titles: "War Veterans in Stockton Take Steps to Restore Cemetery Desecrated by Angry Citizens" (p. 1), "Japanese Canadians File Cases to Test Validity of Dominion's Evacuee Segregation Program" (p. 2), "WRA Official Counters Charge of 'Conspiracy' by Legislator" (p. 2), "425 Evacuees Leave Rohwer Center on Special Train for Former Homes in California" (p. …
Historical photographs and documents, from internment camps to Military Intelligence Service Language School [order form] (ddr-csujad-1-190)
doc Historical photographs and documents, from internment camps to Military Intelligence Service Language School [order form] (ddr-csujad-1-190)
A book order form. Books published by TecCom Productions include: Manzanar, Tule Lake, Rohwer, Heart Mountain, Assembly Center I (Santa Anita, Pomona, Fresno, Tulare, Pinedale, Salinas), Assembly Center II (Turlock, Tanforan, Stockton, Sacramento, Marysville, Portland, Puyallup). See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: ike_03_01_004
Letter from Lily Shoji to Mrs. Waegell, May 30, 1942 (ddr-csujad-55-2565)
doc Letter from Lily Shoji to Mrs. Waegell, May 30, 1942 (ddr-csujad-55-2565)
Letter from Lily Shoji to Mrs. Waegell regarding the forced evacuation from Brigton. While on the train they passed through Florin, Elk Grove, Stockton, Merced and stopped at the Fresno station and boarded bus to Pinedale. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_2673
Assembly center new arrivals (ddr-densho-151-72)
img Assembly center new arrivals (ddr-densho-151-72)
Original WRA caption: Stockton, California. Evacuees of Japanese ancestry arriving at this Assembly center. Their identification numbers and family groups are checked by officials as they leave the buses. After their baggage has been checked for contraband, they will be given a preliminary medical examination and directed to their places in the barracks to await transfer …

Narrator Lillian Sato

Nisei/Sansei female. Born December 14, 1928, in Stockton, California. Father was Issei and mother was Nisei, born in Hawaii. Grew up in Santa Monica, California. During World War II, moved with family to Colorado to avoid mass removal. Remained in Denver, later operating a grocery store and greenhouse business with husband.

Narrator Mary Suzuki Ichino

Nisei female. Born December 9, 1924, in Stockton, California. Grew up Sacramento and Boyle Heights, California. Attended the Maryknoll Catholic school in Los Angeles. During World War II, removed to the Manzanar concentration camp, California. After leaving camp, returned to Los Angeles and worked for the War Relocation Authority, providing assistance to returning Japanese Americans seeking …

Narrator Ben Chikaraishi

Nisei male. Born September 10, 1921, in Colusa, California. As a child, family moved to Stockton, California, where parents owned a hotel. Was attending the University of California at Berkeley when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, and the family was sent to the Rohwer concentration camp, Arkansas. Left camp to live in Chicago, Illinois, where he became …
Barry Saiki Interview (ddr-densho-1004-4)
vh Barry Saiki Interview (ddr-densho-1004-4)
Nisei male. Born June 21, 1919, in Stockton, California. During World War II, served with the Military Intelligence Service in Japan.

(This material is based upon work assisted by a grant from the Department of the Interior, National Park Service. Any opinions, finding, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) …

Narrator Susumu Ito

Nisei male. Born July 27, 1919, in Stockton, California. Emeritus professor of anatomy at Harvard Medical School. During World War II, was second lieutenant, 522nd Field Artillery Battalion of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. In his interview, he discusses his memories of serving in the 442nd and some of the more psychological aspects of combat.

Narrator Michi Weglyn

Nisei female, born November 29, 1926, in Stockton, California. Raised in Brentwood, California, before being incarcerated at Gila River, Arizona. Graduated from high school in the camp in 1944, and after being released, attended Mount Holyoke College. In the 1950s, worked as costume designer for the Perry Como Show television program. Researched and wrote the groundbreaking …
Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, August 19, 1941 (ddr-csujad-44-188)
doc Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, August 19, 1941 (ddr-csujad-44-188)
Minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League executive meeting. Features announcements regarding the purchase of defense bonds, donations from the District Council, and work on fixing up the club room. Also includes discussion of the upcoming District Council meeting in Stockton. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: …
General meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, August 28, 1941 (ddr-csujad-44-189)
doc General meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, August 28, 1941 (ddr-csujad-44-189)
Meeting minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League. Includes discussion of matters relating to the entertainment of soldiers, the need for additional fundraising, the special District Council meeting in Stockton, the women's auxiliary, and raising money with the support of the Issei. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project …
California and the Japanese (ddr-csujad-19-83)
doc California and the Japanese (ddr-csujad-19-83)
This article from a periodical, "The new republic" vol. 106, no. 9, number 1422 (March 1942), by Cary McWilliams talks about the few instances of violence towards resident Japanese in California after the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. It also addresses the riot between Filipino and Japanese people that occurred on December 27, 1942 in Stockton. …

Narrator Nancy Nakata Gohata

Sansei female. Born October 16, 1940, in Compton, California. As an infant, taken with family to the Manzanar concentration camp, California. After the government issued the so-called "loyalty questionnaire," family was transferred to the Tule Lake concentration camp, California. After leaving camp, lived for ten years at a farm labor camp on an island outside of …