17 items
17 items
Notification of warrants for arrest and detention of Gentaro and Iku Takahashi (ddr-densho-355-173)
From Harold T. Landers to H.L. Stafford, Project Director Minidoka
Weekly Report to Director (ddr-densho-156-161)
To D.S. Myer, War Relocation Authority Director, from H.L. Stafford, Director of Minidoka.
Memo from camp director regarding clothing allowances (ddr-densho-274-27)
Memo from Minidoka concentration camp Director H.L. Stafford on clothing allowances. Describes who is eligible for the allowance and how to apply.
Letter from H.L. Stafford to Charles F. Ernst (ddr-densho-291-33)
A letter describing Minidoka concentration camp's housing adjustment policies.
"List of Tuleans" (ddr-densho-291-39)
A listing of the people moved from Tule Lake to Minidoka. Also includes a notice to those living in Minidoka explaining the plans for housing the new residents.
Minidoka Project Director H.L. Stafford (ddr-densho-37-672)
Original WRA caption: H.L. Stafford, project director of Minidoka Relocation Center, Hunt, Idaho, formerly administrative officer in Idaho for the Agricultural Adjustment Administration of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Boise. Mr. Stafford was born in 1893 at Tarkio, Missouri and has lived in Idaho since 1912. Before entering government service, he engaged in farming, banking, and …
Letter related to Gentaro and Iku Takahashi (ddr-densho-355-203)
Regarding security risk of Gentaro and Iku Takahashi.
Unsigned letter from H. L. Stafford, Project Director at Minidoka War Relocation Project, to Edward J. Ennis, Director, Enemy Alien Control Unit, on the approval of Dr. Koyama's parole (ddr-one-5-242)
Photocopy of a declassified typed letter from H.L. Stafford, Project Director of the Minidoka War Relocation Project, to Edward J. Ennis, Director, Enemy Alien Control Unit. Mr. Stafford writes about his interaction with Mrs. Koyama and her efforts to have her husband paroled. He is forwarding to Washington, D.C., a copy of her testimony.
Military volunteers (ddr-densho-37-663)
Original WRA caption: Volunteers for induction into the U.S. Army to serve in a special combat team of Japanese-Americans. At foot of flag pole stand H.L. Stafford, project director and right, Philip Schafer, assistant project director.
Letter from Edward J. Ennis, Director, Enemy Alien Control Unit, to H.L. Stafford, Project Director, Minidoka War Relocation Project concerning the parole of Keizaburo Koyama (ddr-one-5-247)
Photocopy of a declassified typed letter from Edward J. Ennis, Director, Enemy Alien control Unit, to H.L. Stafford, Project Director, Minidoka War Relocation Project concerning the parole of Keisaburo Koyama. He advised Mr. Stafford that the Attorney General signed Koyama's parole on November 26, 1943 and that he should be able to rejoin his wife in …
Ceremonial presentation (ddr-densho-37-668)
Original WRA caption: Tura Nakamura, block manager of block 42-44 presents ceremonial Tai fish to Project Director, H.L. Stafford and Philip Schafer, assistant project director, on behalf of the block managers as a token of appreciation for the manner in which the administration helped to make the Army volunteering program a success.
Signed letter from H. L. Stafford, Project Director at Minidoka War Relocation Project, to Edward J. Ennis, Director, Enemy Alien Control Unit, on the approval of Dr. Koyama's parole with docketing and filing stamps (ddr-one-5-243)
Photocopy of a declassified typed letter from H.L. Stafford, Project Director of the Minidoka War Relocation Project, to Edward J. Ennis, Director, Enemy Alien Control Unit. Mr. Stafford writes about his interaction with Mrs. Koyama and her efforts to have her husband paroled. He is forwarding to Washington, D.C., a copy of her testimony. The letter …
Letter to Captain John Hall regarding Takami Hibiya's leave clearance (ddr-densho-381-145)
Robert K. Thurber, Acting Senior Leave Officer, writes to Captain John Hall for clarification on if suspending Takami Hibiya's leave clearance will affect his employment at the Navy Language School.
Letter from H.L. Stafford, Director, Minidoka Project, to Mrs. Jessie C. Toms, February 11, 1943 (ddr-csujad-55-1292)
Correspondence from H. L. Stafford, Project Director at the Minidoka incarceration camp, to Jessie C. Toms requesting a character reference for Bob Nogaki Ihara. Includes handwritten notes. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_1294
Letter from Mrs. Jessie C. Toms to H.L. Stafford, Director, Minidoka Project, February 15, 1943 (ddr-csujad-55-1293)
Correspondence from Jessie C. Toms to H. L. Stafford regarding her reference for Bob Nogaki Ihara. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_1295