3 items
3 items
Lotus boys group (ddr-densho-128-136)
This is the senior boys group of Lotus, an association of young members of Seattle's Buddhist Church. Back row (L to R): Mr. M. Morishita, Mr. Ken Shimbo, Mr. Geo. Mizumori, Mr. K. Iwamura, Mr. N. Saito, Mr. Ben Kasubuchi, Mr. Jackson Sonoda, Mr. Geo. Fukuhara, Mr. Y. Nakayama. Front row (L to R): Mr. Howard …
Coast Jap Evacuees Tell Of New Life in Own Paper (October 4, 1942) (ddr-densho-56-848)
The Seattle Daily Times, October 4, 1942, p. 8
8th Annual NWYBL convention (ddr-sbbt-3-5)
Group photograph of the Eighth Annual Northwest Young Buddhist League convention's White River Chapter attendees.