8 items
8 items
Chuck Shimomura (ddr-densho-287-256)
Photograph of "Chuck" Shimomura standing next to a car. Written on the album page below the image is "'Chuck' Shimomura" in white ink.
Art & Chuck (ddr-densho-287-192)
Photograph of two men standing in front of a car. Identified left to right: Art and Chuck Shimomura. Written on the album page below the image is "Art & Chuck" in white ink.
Chuck, Shigeko and Frances (ddr-densho-287-190)
Photograph of three people sitting on the running board of a car. Identified left to right: Chuck Shimomura, Shigeko, and Frances. Written on the album page below the image is "Chuck Shigeko Frances" in white ink.
Military parade (ddr-densho-201-539)
Caption in album: "Gedi Italy, May & June 1945 / 'Retreat Parade / Chuck Shimomura.'"
Chuck, Art and Toshi (ddr-densho-287-261)
Photograph of Chuck Shimomura holding a glass bottle, while Art Somekawa (left) and Toshi Shimizu (right) look on from the running board of a car. Written on the album page the image is "Chuck - Art - Toshi" in white ink.
Chick Chigo Kelly Tinky Chuck Yami Sho (ddr-densho-287-237)
Photograph of seven men on a dock. Top row left to righ: Chick Uno, Shugo, Kelly, and Tinky. Bottom row left to right: Chuck Shimomura, Yami and Sho. Written on the album page above the image is "Chick - Shugo - Kelly - Tinky" in white ink. Written on the album page below the image is …
Seattle Chapter, JACL Reporter, Vol. XVIII, No. 5, May 1981 (ddr-sjacl-1-296)
Newsletter covering the following topics: May 23, Mock hearing on JA internment to be held at NVC; Seattle JACL co-sponsors symposium on hibakusha with UW; tips on Redress hearing testimony; where was Ron Wakabayashi? Supposed to be at PNWDC, but went to Wash for a secret meeting with Mike Masaoka, Floyd Shimomura, and John Tateishi. Ron …
Seattle Chapter, JACL Reporter, Vol. XVIII, No. 5, May 1981 (ddr-sjacl-1-224)
Newsletter covering the following topics: May 23, Mock hearing on JA internment to be held at NVC; Seattle JACL co-sponsors symposium on hibakusha with UW; tips on Redress hearing testimony; where was Ron Wakabayashi? Supposed to be at PNWDC, but went to Wash for a secret meeting with Mike Masaoka, Floyd Shimomura, and John Tateishi. Ron …