6 items
6 items
Man wearing helmet standing outside barracks (ddr-ajah-2-441)
Caption below photo: Iwao Shimamoto
Man sitting at table reading (ddr-ajah-2-799)
Caption: Iwao Shimamoto studies at Camp Savage, Minnesota, as a member of the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). October 1942 - June 1943. Supplemental scan of ddr-ajah-2-499 with additional notes
Portrait of group of men in uniform outside barracks (ddr-ajah-2-743)
Caption below photo: Yas Koike / Johnny Kitagawa / Yoshimura Noburu / Darryl Taniguchi / Karl Branstad / Bill Fuji / Harvey Watanabe / Grant Hirabayashi / Iwao Shimamoto / Bill Nuno / Harry Sekiya / Tak Hirabayashi / George Hatakeda / Lincoln Taira / Yukio Kawamoto / Frank Hachiya / Moffitt Ishikawa / Members of …
Group portrait of men in uniform (ddr-ajah-2-811)
Caption: Nisei soldiers from Barracks 15, Military Intelligence Service Language School (MISLS) Camp Savage, Minnesota, April 24, 1943. Supplemental scan of ddr-ajah-2-743 with additional notes
1981 Membership Roster MIS Association of Northern California (ddr-ajah-2-23)
Contact information redacted