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12 items
Seattle Chapter, JACL Reporter, Vol. XXI, No. 12, December 1984 (ddr-sjacl-1-342)
doc Seattle Chapter, JACL Reporter, Vol. XXI, No. 12, December 1984 (ddr-sjacl-1-342)
Newsletter covering the following topics: Farewell message from Jerry Shigaki.
John and Jerry Shigaki in yard (ddr-densho-456-14)
img John and Jerry Shigaki in yard (ddr-densho-456-14)
Inscription on back: July 1952 John & Jerry. Note on back: John (R) & Jerry (L) Shigaki. King St., CD, Seattle
Dale, Irene, John, and Jerry Shigaki in yard with pile of wood (ddr-densho-456-21)
img Dale, Irene, John, and Jerry Shigaki in yard with pile of wood (ddr-densho-456-21)
Note on back: Dale, Irene, John, and Jerry Shigaki w/summer wood for winter. 1949, (wood stove) King St., CD Seattle
John Shigaki, Jerry Shigaki, Davey Yoshino, and Dennis on soap box carts (ddr-densho-456-25)
img John Shigaki, Jerry Shigaki, Davey Yoshino, and Dennis on soap box carts (ddr-densho-456-25)
Written on back: August 1954 John, Jerry, Davey & Dennis. Note on back: gokarts on King St, 1954, John & Jerry Shigaki, Davey Yoshino, Dennis (?)
St. Peter's Girl's basketball team (ddr-densho-456-1)
img St. Peter's Girl's basketball team (ddr-densho-456-1)
Identification caption from donor: Front L-R: Christine Shigaki, Denise Sugawara, Joy Toda, Margarget Chin, Margaret Nakayama. Back L-R: Kate Hayatsu, Joby Shimomura, Lisa Chinn, Jamie Nakanishi, Joy Shigaki, Holly Ishihara, Erin Nakanish, Erin Shigaki. (Coached by John Shigaki, Jerry Shigaki, Rick Sugawara).
Seattle Chapter, JACL Reporter, Vol. XXI, No. 1, January 1984 (ddr-sjacl-1-329)
doc Seattle Chapter, JACL Reporter, Vol. XXI, No. 1, January 1984 (ddr-sjacl-1-329)
Newsletter covering the following topics: 1984 Chapter President, Jerry Shigaki; Installation Banquet, January 21, 1984, Southcenter Doubletree, $16.00, Ayako Hurd; meeting with Supt of Seattle Schools, Don Steele, Issues-Outreach to APA communities, affirmative action for high level positions, delay in Bilingual Director position, perception of school administration disharmony, etc. Make and Ben Nakagawa, Sam Shoji, Arlene …
Seattle Chapter, JACL Reporter, Vol. XIX, No. 4, April 1982 (ddr-sjacl-1-308)
doc Seattle Chapter, JACL Reporter, Vol. XIX, No. 4, April 1982 (ddr-sjacl-1-308)
Newsletter covering the following topics: Following received Silver Pins from National JACL President Jim Tsujimura-Shea Aoki, Mich Matsudaira, Hana Masuda, Henry Miyatake, Kenko Nogaki, Ben Nakagawa, Ken Nakano, and Charles Z Smith; Sansei Membership committee to be headed by Michael Sato and Jerry Shigaki.
Seattle Chapter, JACL Reporter, Vol. I, February 1964 (ddr-sjacl-1-63)
doc Seattle Chapter, JACL Reporter, Vol. I, February 1964 (ddr-sjacl-1-63)
Bulletin covering the following topics: 1964 President, Dr Terrance Toda; Installation Dinner Dance, New China, 1/18; Purpose of JACL by Tak Kubota; Membership Drive; Bowling Tournament; Golf Tournament; Jerry Shigaki named ?Boy of the Month;? Phil Hayasaka-Article on Fair Housing legislationl; lots of ads.
Seattle Chapter, JACL Reporter, Vol. 22, No. 9, September 1985 (ddr-sjacl-1-400)
doc Seattle Chapter, JACL Reporter, Vol. 22, No. 9, September 1985 (ddr-sjacl-1-400)
Newsletter covering the following topics: Membership Campaign-By teams, Jerry Shigaki, chair; PNWDC/IDC meeting in Twin Falls to coincide with Minidoka gaining National Historic site designation; Board Bios-Ayako Hurd; Ken Mochizuki succeeds Sumi Hayashi as newsletter editor; ?Making A Difference? begins on KING5 with Lori Matsukawa and Enrique Cerna.
Seattle Chapter, JACL Reporter, Vol. XXI, No. 9, September 1984 (ddr-sjacl-1-339)
doc Seattle Chapter, JACL Reporter, Vol. XXI, No. 9, September 1984 (ddr-sjacl-1-339)
Newsletter covering the following topics: Theresa Takayoshi passes away, nice obit on front page, worked on Redress, WA State Democratic party, and Seattle Rape Relief; President Jerry Shigaki gives summary of Honolulu National Convention. States Cherry Kinoshita receives Nisei of the Biennium award. 21 resolutions passed; conversation begins to host 1988 National Convention; planning by Kazzie …
Seattle Chapter, JACL Reporter, Vol. 23, No. 4, April 1986 (ddr-sjacl-1-352)
doc Seattle Chapter, JACL Reporter, Vol. 23, No. 4, April 1986 (ddr-sjacl-1-352)
Newsletter covering the following topics: Washington Redress Bill signed by Gov Booth Gardner at Nippon Kan Theater on April 1, 1986; JACL Washington State Redress Committee included, Becky Sasaki, Naomi Sanchez, Ruth Woo, Time Otani, Mako Nakagawa, Lois Hayasaka, Cherry Kinoshita, and Jerry Shigaki; JAYs sponsoring ?Planning for Tomorrow,? three workshops on ?Public Speaking Skills,? ?Improving …
Seattle Chapter, JACL Reporter, Vol. XXI, No. 4, April 1984 (ddr-sjacl-1-333)
doc Seattle Chapter, JACL Reporter, Vol. XXI, No. 4, April 1984 (ddr-sjacl-1-333)
Newsletter covering the following topics: Membership push, Jerry Shigaki; Redress sought for 27 school clerks, forced to resign. Presented by TJ Vassar to the school board; first hearing on Hirabayashi at Federal Court House (now Nakamura Court House); fundraiser for Hirabayashi court efforts, drawing by Michelle Kumata; Past Presidents Potluck; newsletter contains ads; attachment for Local …