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2 items
Home movie footage of the wedding of Joanne Aiko Takeda and George Takata (ddr-ajah-4-76)
av Home movie footage of the wedding of Joanne Aiko Takeda and George Takata (ddr-ajah-4-76)
Home movie footage of the wedding of Joanne Aiko Takeda and George Takata at the Twin Towers Church in Alameda, California. Home movies taken by Haruo "Howe" Hanamura (April 10, 1919 - August 18, 2012).
Eden Township JACL 60th anniversary program (ddr-densho-329-841)
doc Eden Township JACL 60th anniversary program (ddr-densho-329-841)
Program for the 60th Anniversary Celebration & Annual Installation Dinner of the Eden Township JACL in San Lorenzo, California. Program lists the order of events for a speaking program and dinner, a list of charter members of the 1936 Eden Township Chapter of the JACL and the 1997 Eden Township JACL, introduces Herbert Yamanishi as National …