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2 items
Tak Shiba (ddr-densho-475-605)
Black and white photograph of Tak Shiba about to cross the finish line in a track race. Written below the photograph on the album page is: "Tak Shiba of San Mateo" in white pencil.
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 48, No. 13 (March 27, 1959) (ddr-pc-31-13)
Selected article titles: "Colorado passes fair housing legislation" (p. 1), "Ill-advised evacuees failing to file claim may get chance" (p. 1), "Personal effects vested by U.S. up for sale, protested" (p. 1), "Bill introduced to revoke license of biased real estaters" (p. 1), "Cal. Assembly votes to outlaw bias in gov't aided housing" (p. 1), "Immigration …