20 items
20 items

Grace F. Oshita Interview (ddr-densho-1013-4)
Nisei female. Born January 2, 1925, in San Francisco, California. Spent childhood in San Francisco where family operated successful miso factory and grocery store. Father arrested by FBI in February 1942 and sent to Fort Lincoln internment camp, North Dakota. Family removed to Tanforan Assembly Center and Topaz concentration camp, Utah. Graduated from Topaz High School …

Narrator Grace F. Oshita
Nisei female. Born January 2, 1925, in San Francisco, California. Spent childhood in San Francisco where family operated successful miso factory and grocery store. Father arrested by FBI in February 1942 and sent to Fort Lincoln internment camp, North Dakota. Family removed to Tanforan Assembly Center and Topaz concentration camp, Utah. Graduated from Topaz High School …

Correspondence regarding reactivation of the White River Valley JACL (ddr-densho-277-173)
Congratulatory letter from Masao Satow, the JACL National Director, on the reactivation of the White River Valley JACL Chapter.

Letter offering support from Japanese writers, journalists, and artists (ddr-densho-338-159)
A letter sent to the Office of Facts and Figures stating that Japanese wrtiers, journalists, and artists are willing to do what they can to help the United States Government after the bombing of Pearl Harbor.

Letter regarding the effort to pardon Iva Toguri d'Aquino (ddr-densho-338-114)
Guyo Tajiri participated in a JACL led effort to receive a pardon for Iva Toguri d'Aquino. This is a letter from Stan Delaplane about helping.

Correspondence and clippings regarding donation of an article (ddr-densho-338-136)
Correspondence between the National Japanese American Historical Society and Guyo Tajiri regarding her donation of a 1947 Pacific Citizen article titled: "A French Town Remembers Its Nisei Liberators."

Letter regarding the effort to pardon Iva Toguri d'Aquino (ddr-densho-338-115)
Guyo Tajiri participated in a JACL led effort to receive a pardon for Iva Toguri d'Aquino. This is a letter from Stan Delaplane about helping.

Thank you letter to Guyo and Larry Tajiri from Annie Clo Watson (ddr-densho-338-408)
Copy of a letter included in the thank you book presented to Guyo and Larry Tajiri at the Tajiri Testimonial Banquet of the JACL. The testimonial banquet recognized the Tajiris for their decade of service running the Pacific Citizen.

Letter adding a contribution to the gift fund for Larry and Guyo Tajiri (ddr-densho-338-365)
Masuji Fujii's contribution to the gift fund. The JACL Committee of 150 honored Larry and Guyo Tajiri for their work with the Pacific Citizen.

Thank you letter to Guyo and Larry Tajiri from James C. Purcell (ddr-densho-338-416)
Copy of a letter included in the thank you book presented to Guyo and Larry Tajiri at the Tajiri Testimonial Banquet of the JACL. The testimonial banquet recognized the Tajiris for their decade of service running the Pacific Citizen.

Letter regarding the effort to pardon Iva Toguri d'Aquino (ddr-densho-338-118)
A letter written by Virgil L. Elliott to the President of the United States. Elliott was a journalist who covered the Tokyo Rose trial and in this letter he requests Presidential intervention to pardon Iva Toguri d'Aquino.

Narrator Tomiye Terasaki
Kibei female. Born October 5, 1910, in San Francisco, California. At age three, sent to live with grandfather and receive education in Fukuoka, Japan. After high school, temporarily moved to Tokyo and assisted family-owned business. In 1929, returned to U.S. to join parents in Sacramento. After arranged marriage to Mr. Tadao Sakita, moved to Los Angeles, …

Charlie Matsubara - Mary Matsubara - Evelyn Togami Interview (ddr-densho-1009-3)
This interview was conducted with husband and wife Charlie and Mary Matsubara, and Mary's sister Evelyn Togami. Charlie was born June 3, 1920, in San Francisco, California. Mary was born January 3, 1922, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Evelyn was born December 9, 1920, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Mary and Evelyn were living in California with their …

Tomiye Terasaki Interview (ddr-densho-1000-122)
Kibei female. Born October 5, 1910, in San Francisco, California. At age three, sent to live with grandfather and receive education in Fukuoka, Japan. After high school, temporarily moved to Tokyo and assisted family-owned business. In 1929, returned to U.S. to join parents in Sacramento. After arranged marriage to Mr. Tadao Sakita, moved to Los Angeles, …