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10000 items
Miyake family (ddr-densho-477-597)
img Miyake family (ddr-densho-477-597)
Photograph of the Miyake family. Fron left to right: Fumiyo Miyake, Paul Miyake, and Jean Miyake. The caption below the photo reads "Miyake family" in black ink.
Award letter to Takeo Isoshima from Pat J. Walsh (ddr-densho-477-405)
doc Award letter to Takeo Isoshima from Pat J. Walsh (ddr-densho-477-405)
Takeo received $25 reward when his suggested improvement to the hospital was implemented.
Glenn Isoshima (ddr-densho-477-202)
img Glenn Isoshima (ddr-densho-477-202)
The caption below the photo reads "Glenn 3 months old" in black ink.
Christmas party at Saburo and Edna Nakahara's (ddr-densho-477-354)
img Christmas party at Saburo and Edna Nakahara's (ddr-densho-477-354)
The caption below the photo reads "Christmas party at Sab (Santa) & Edna's" in black ink. Saburo Nakahara is dressed up as Santa. Front row left to right: Julie Nakahara, unidentified, Sharon Nakahara, Mark Isoshima, Michael Chikahara, and Richard Chikahara. Second row left to right: Elaine Isoshima, Susan Isoshima, Saburo Nakahara, and Eileen Chikahara. Third row …
Mitzi Isoshima holding newborn daughter Susan Isoshima (ddr-densho-477-222)
img Mitzi Isoshima holding newborn daughter Susan Isoshima (ddr-densho-477-222)
The caption below the photo reads "Susan Amy born Sept. 28, 1950 at 9:21 pm (6 lbs 3 oz)" in black ink.
Vivian Gave and Doug Eickhoff wedding (ddr-densho-477-702)
img Vivian Gave and Doug Eickhoff wedding (ddr-densho-477-702)
Photograph of the wedding guests with Vivian Gave and Doug Eickhoff at their wedding. Back row left to right: Eileen Chikamura, Richard Chikamura, unidentified, Monzaburo Nakahara, Mark Isoshima, Glenn Isoshima, Takeshi Chikamura, and Saburo Nakahara. Middle row from left to right: Tsuyoshi Nakahara, Mary (Kouchi) Nakahara, Yasuko (Fujii) Nakahara, Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima, Takeo Isoshima, Susan Isoshima, …
The Mayeda family (ddr-densho-477-693)
img The Mayeda family (ddr-densho-477-693)
Photograph of three generations of the Mayeda family at Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima's 75th birthday party. The caption below the photo reads "Some of the Mayeda clan came from Calif, Utah, E. Washington Old family friends & Aunt Edna's family" in black ink.
Takeo Isoshima and Mitzi Isoshima at their 54th wedding anniversary (ddr-densho-477-709)
img Takeo Isoshima and Mitzi Isoshima at their 54th wedding anniversary (ddr-densho-477-709)
Photograph of Takeo Isoshima (left) and Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima (right), sitting a table celebrating their anniversary. The caption below the photo reads "Celebrating 54th wedding anniversary" in black ink.
Kellie Isoshima with Grandma Mitzi Isoshima (ddr-densho-477-534)
img Kellie Isoshima with Grandma Mitzi Isoshima (ddr-densho-477-534)
The caption below the photo reads "Kellie with Grandma Mitzi" in black ink.
Tsuyoshi Nakahara's family (ddr-densho-477-355)
img Tsuyoshi Nakahara's family (ddr-densho-477-355)
Photograph of Tsuyoshi and Mary (Kouchi) Nakahara's family. Back row, left to right: Tsuyoshi Nakahara and Mary (Kouchi) Nakahara. Front row, left to right: Sharon Nakahara, Lori Nakahara, and Julie Nakahara. The caption below the photo reads "Tsuyoshi's family" in black ink.
Takeo and Mitzi Isoshima with Hawaiian shirts (ddr-densho-477-589)
img Takeo and Mitzi Isoshima with Hawaiian shirts (ddr-densho-477-589)
Photograph of Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima (left) holding up her new Hawaiian shirt and Takeo Isoshima (middle) unfolding his. Sitting to the side is Naomi (Isoshima) Nishimura (right). The caption below the photo reads "Guess where you are going?" in black ink.
Garage sale indoors (ddr-densho-477-670)
img Garage sale indoors (ddr-densho-477-670)
Photograph of two men helping set up a garage sale. On the right is Don Shimono. In the back is Glenn Isoshima. The caption below the photo reads "Two day huge garage sale with lots of help from relatives. Netted over $3,000 mostly small things" in black ink.
Isoshimas with grandma (ddr-densho-477-229)
img Isoshimas with grandma (ddr-densho-477-229)
Photograph of the Isoshima children with their mom, Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima and their grandma Yoshiko (Nakato) Nakahara. Back row from left to right: Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima, Elaine Isoshima, and Yoshiko (Nakato) Nakahara. Middle row: Glenn Isoshima and Susan Isoshima. Seated in the front is Naomi Isoshima.
Takeo and Mitzi Isoshima at Shumi Club Brunch (ddr-densho-477-527)
img Takeo and Mitzi Isoshima at Shumi Club Brunch (ddr-densho-477-527)
Photograph of Takeo and Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima eating a bento box at Bush Gardens. The caption written on the photo reads "Shumi Club New Year party at Bush 3/27/88" in black ink.
Susan Isoshima with doll (ddr-densho-477-232)
img Susan Isoshima with doll (ddr-densho-477-232)
The caption below the photo reads "Susie (1yr)" in black ink.
Vegetable Garden (ddr-densho-477-443)
img Vegetable Garden (ddr-densho-477-443)
The caption below the photo reads "The veggie garden" in black ink.
Award letter to Takeo Isoshima from D.E. Nolan (ddr-densho-477-406)
doc Award letter to Takeo Isoshima from D.E. Nolan (ddr-densho-477-406)
Takeo received a Sustained Superior Performance Award and a bonus of $159.74 in recognition of his outstanding performance as Steamfitter-Plumber at the Veterans Administration Hospital.
Takeo Isoshima during kidney dialysis (ddr-densho-477-633)
img Takeo Isoshima during kidney dialysis (ddr-densho-477-633)
The caption next to the photo reads "Takeo begins kidney dialysis Oct. 20, 1989" in black ink.
New House (ddr-densho-477-209)
img New House (ddr-densho-477-209)
The caption next to the photo reads "Purchased house at 5113 So. Director St. 1948" in black ink.
Sharon, Mary, and Lori Nakahara making mochi (ddr-densho-477-386)
img Sharon, Mary, and Lori Nakahara making mochi (ddr-densho-477-386)
Photograph of Mary (Kouchi) Nakahara (center) making mochi with her daughters Sharon (left) and Lori (right). The caption around the photo reads "Isoshima family tradition mochi making for New Years. Sharon, Mary, Lori Nakahara's" in black ink.
Christmas Dinner (ddr-densho-477-230)
img Christmas Dinner (ddr-densho-477-230)
Photograph of the four Isoshima child around a set Christmas dinner table with a turkey in the center. From left to right is: Susan Isoshima, Glenn Isoshima, Elaine Isoshima (standing), and Naomi Isoshima. The caption below the photo reads "Family Christmas Dinner At Grandma Nakahara's 'A Big Turkey!'" in black ink.
Mark Ken Isoshima (ddr-densho-477-318)
img Mark Ken Isoshima (ddr-densho-477-318)
The caption to the side of the photo reads "Mark Ken Isoshima March 6, 1959 Tak & Mitzi fifth child" in black ink.
Mitzi Isoshima with her boss George Somoff (ddr-densho-477-536)
img Mitzi Isoshima with her boss George Somoff (ddr-densho-477-536)
The caption below the photo reads "Mitzi with her boss George Somoff" in black ink.
Suggestion Award to Takeo Isoshima (ddr-densho-477-397)
doc Suggestion Award to Takeo Isoshima (ddr-densho-477-397)
An award given to Takeo Isoshima by the Veterans Administration.