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Takeo Isoshima and Yukiko (Isoshima) Tobe (ddr-densho-477-522)
img Takeo Isoshima and Yukiko (Isoshima) Tobe (ddr-densho-477-522)
The caption below the phot reads "Tak & sister Yukiko" in black ink.
50th wedding anniversary party (ddr-densho-477-652)
img 50th wedding anniversary party (ddr-densho-477-652)
Photograph of Takeo Isoshima (left) and Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima (right) at their 50th anniversary party. The caption next to the photo reads "50th wedding anniversary party at Mikado Japanese Restaurant given by Isoshima kids Feb. 2, 1992" in black ink.
Chikamura family paying respects at Takeo's funeral (ddr-densho-477-719)
img Chikamura family paying respects at Takeo's funeral (ddr-densho-477-719)
Photograph of Roger Chikamura (left), Midori (Nakahara) Chikamura (center) and Michelle (Maples) Chikamura (left) standing before Takeo Isoshima's funeral altar. The captions around the photo reads "Takeo passed away Nov. 15, 1995 at home. Family & Friends dropping in to give condolences. Roger, Midori & Michelle" in black ink.
Takeo and Mitzi Isoshima (ddr-densho-477-596)
img Takeo and Mitzi Isoshima (ddr-densho-477-596)
Photograph of Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima (left) and Takeo Isoshima (right) celebrating their 45th anniversary.
Mitzi Isoshima and Susan Isoshima after Tonsil surgery (ddr-densho-477-267)
img Mitzi Isoshima and Susan Isoshima after Tonsil surgery (ddr-densho-477-267)
The caption below the photo reads "Aug. 1953" in black ink. The caption written on the photo reads "Sue had tonsil out" in blue ink.
Takeo Isoshima at Helgeson Trailer company (ddr-densho-477-199)
img Takeo Isoshima at Helgeson Trailer company (ddr-densho-477-199)
Photograph of Takeo Isoshima in welding gear. The caption below the photo reads "Working at Helgeson Trailer Co. Mitzi Worked at Settle Glove. Co." in black ink.
Nakahara family and spouses (ddr-densho-477-358)
img Nakahara family and spouses (ddr-densho-477-358)
Photograph of the Nakahara family and spouses. Back row from left to right: Takeshi Chikamura, Tsuyoshi Nakahara, Monzaburo Nakahara, Saburo Nakahara and Takeo Isoshima. Middle row left to right: Midori (Nakahara) Chikamura, Mary (Kouchi) Nakahara, Yasuko (Fujii) Nakahara, Edna (Mayeda) Nakahara, and Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima. Sitting in the front row is Yoshiko (Nakato) Nakahara. The caption …
People eating in kitchen (ddr-densho-477-645)
img People eating in kitchen (ddr-densho-477-645)
Photograph of three people in the kitchen with food in celebration of Takeo's 75th birthday. From left to right: Kellie Isoshima, Linnell (Kanzaki) Isoshima, and Steven Kanzaki. The caption below the photo reads "Kellie, Linnell, Steven Kanzaki" in black ink.
Isoshima family playing tripoley (ddr-densho-477-387)
img Isoshima family playing tripoley (ddr-densho-477-387)
Photograph of four people playing Tripoley. From left to right: Mark Isoshima, Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima, Takeo Isoshima, and Don Shimono. The caption below the photo reads "Family playing Tripoli [sic] game" in black ink.
The Isoshima Family (ddr-densho-477-203)
img The Isoshima Family (ddr-densho-477-203)
Photograph of the Isoshima family. From left to right, back row: Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima and Takeo Isoshima. Front row, left to right: Glenn Isoshima (in mother lap), Naomi Isoshima, and Elaine Isoshima. The caption below the photo reads "The Isoshima Family" in black ink.
Chikamura family (ddr-densho-477-594)
img Chikamura family (ddr-densho-477-594)
Photograph of Midori (Nakahara) Chikamura (left), Takeshi Chikamura (middle), and Eileen Chikamura (right) at the celebration of Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima and Takeo Isoshima's 45th anniversary. The caption below the photo reads "Midori, Tak, Eileen" in black ink.
Takeo Isoshima supervising construction (ddr-densho-477-707)
img Takeo Isoshima supervising construction (ddr-densho-477-707)
Photograph of Takeo Isoshima standing with his back to the camera watching his son-in-laws, son, and daughter building a pump house. Working on the left is Glenn Isoshima (standing), Frank Nishimura (crouching in front), and Michael Gave (couching back). Standing to the right is Donald Shimono (left) and Elaine (Isoshima) Shimono. The caption below the photo …
Mitzi (Nakahara) Isoshima in new bathroom (ddr-densho-477-677)
img Mitzi (Nakahara) Isoshima in new bathroom (ddr-densho-477-677)
The caption below the photo reads "One of two bathrooms" in black ink.
Yoshiko Nakahara (ddr-densho-477-195)
img Yoshiko Nakahara (ddr-densho-477-195)
The caption below the photo reads "Yoshiko" in black ink.
Mitzi Isoshima at Christmas Party (ddr-densho-477-532)
img Mitzi Isoshima at Christmas Party (ddr-densho-477-532)
The caption below the photo reads "Christmas Party" in black ink.
Susan Isoshima and Michael Gave at celebration (ddr-densho-477-603)
img Susan Isoshima and Michael Gave at celebration (ddr-densho-477-603)
Photograph of Michael Gave (left) and Susan Isoshima (right) at the celebration of Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima and Takeo Isoshima's 45th anniversary.
Mitzi Isoshima in new sitting room (ddr-densho-477-680)
img Mitzi Isoshima in new sitting room (ddr-densho-477-680)
The caption below the photo reads "Sitting Room" in black ink.
Takeo Isoshima at V.A. Hospital (ddr-densho-477-393)
img Takeo Isoshima at V.A. Hospital (ddr-densho-477-393)
The caption below the photo reads "V.A. Hospital" in black ink.
Post-wedding party at Isoshima family home (ddr-densho-477-384)
img Post-wedding party at Isoshima family home (ddr-densho-477-384)
Photograph of people sitting around a kitchen table socializing after the dinner party hosted by Takeo and Mistuko (Nakahara) Isoshima for Elaine (Isoshima) Shimono and Don Shimono's wedding gift opening. The caption around the photo reads " Tak & Mitzi a huge feast for guests. After the wedding gift opening dinner" in black ink.