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Receipt for $20.00 paid to Catherine Johnson (ddr-densho-383-523)
doc Receipt for $20.00 paid to Catherine Johnson (ddr-densho-383-523)
For Payment on Store. Tokuda purchased the Johnson Pharmacy in 1935, was forced to sell while in camp and then repurchased the store in 1947.
Girl posed in kabuki makeup and costume (ddr-densho-383-433)
img Girl posed in kabuki makeup and costume (ddr-densho-383-433)
Tamako Inouye at eight years old. Written on front of photograph: "Aiko Studio". Japanese writing on front and back of photograph.
Four young men sitting on porch (ddr-densho-383-404)
img Four young men sitting on porch (ddr-densho-383-404)
University of Washington students sitting on the porch of the Japanese Students Club house at 4115 15th Avenue NE. Left to right: James Hara, Michael Arima, George Tokuda, and Frank Yamashita. James Hara was a pharmacy student who graduated in 1933. Written on back of photograph: "James Hara, Micheal[sic] Arima, Frank Yama '30".
Stage performace at Nippon Kan Theatre (ddr-densho-383-366)
img Stage performace at Nippon Kan Theatre (ddr-densho-383-366)
Written on front of photograph: "June 14, 1931(?)" Written on back of photograph: "Mom [Tamako Inouye] - 3rd from L. Teacher on rt playing biwa".
University of Washington students and faculty (ddr-densho-383-203)
img University of Washington students and faculty (ddr-densho-383-203)
Back row, left to right: Robert Glase, Dr. Henry August Langenhan, Victor Seeberg, Harold Woodhead, George Tokuda. Front row, left to right: Charles Owen Wilson Jr., Theodore Backstrom, Thomas Young, and Clarence McRory. Written on album page below photograph: "Glase, Langenhan, Seeberg, Woodhead, [Tokuda], Wilson, Backstrom, Young, McRory 1932".
George Tokuda (ddr-densho-383-387)
img George Tokuda (ddr-densho-383-387)
Portrait taken for graduation from Everett High School.
Girl in kimono (ddr-densho-383-344)
img Girl in kimono (ddr-densho-383-344)
Possibly Tsune Tokuda, younger sister of George Tokuda. Embossed on lower left corner of photograph: "Takano Studio, Seattle".
Bain Chiba on University of Washington campus (ddr-densho-383-257)
img Bain Chiba on University of Washington campus (ddr-densho-383-257)
Bain Chiba was a University of Washington graduate in 1937. He was a pharmacy student and a member of the Japanese Students Club during his time at the University of Washington. Written on album page below photograph: "Another Druggist, Bain Chiba".
Man sitting on steps with pipe (ddr-densho-383-59)
img Man sitting on steps with pipe (ddr-densho-383-59)
George Tokuda sitting outside Japanese Students Club house at 4115 15th Avenue NE on University of Washington campus. Written on album page below photograph: "Taken at J.S.C. U.W."
Two children in kabuki costume and makeup (ddr-densho-383-455)
img Two children in kabuki costume and makeup (ddr-densho-383-455)
One of the children likely Tamako Inouye. Embossed on front of photograph: "Aiko Studio, Seattle, Wash."
Large group outside a storefront (ddr-densho-383-369)
img Large group outside a storefront (ddr-densho-383-369)
Photograph taken in front of buildings on Main Street at 5th Avenue. The Sun Hotel is visible in background, at 502A Main St.
Three women in matching coats (ddr-densho-383-49)
img Three women in matching coats (ddr-densho-383-49)
From top down: Haruye Teramaye, Kim Takehara, and Hatsue Aoki. Written on album page below photograph: "The Three Muskateers [sic]". The three attended Broadway High School together in Seattle.