6 items
6 items
Memorandum of Conversation with Colonel Bendetsen at Noon, December 10 (ddr-densho-122-563)
Memo from William P. Scobey re: Manzanar riot
Letter from Col. William Scobey to Gen. Delos Emmons (ddr-densho-67-55)
Letter from Col. William Scobey to Gen. Delos Emmons on the status of Japanese Americans on mainland. Discusses failure of voluntary induction in the army due to "resentment" and "anti-American" kibei and issei. Mentions segregation of loyals and disloyals as not happening because of lack of space. Suggests to Emmons that these complications have prevented evacuation …
Letter from Col. William Scobey to Dillon Myer (ddr-densho-67-56)
Letter from Col. William Scobey to Dillon Myer regarding Gen. Emmons' response to halting evacuation of Hawaiian Japanese to the mainland. Emmons agreed to suspend evacuation except for those who "would be considered safe" in the mainland. Emmons also states that the response to the all-nisei team was favorable and projects 10,000 nisei volunteers. He suggests …
Memo from William P. Scobey to Dillon Myer (ddr-densho-67-54)
Memo from William P. Scobey to Dillon Myer summarizing a previous message sent to General Delos Emmons about evacuating Hawaiian Japanese. Outlines four major problems with evacuation to the mainland, including legal complications, lack of resources, and potential for tensions between Hawaiian and mainland Japanese. Advises Emmons to reconsider evacuation program.
Memo: "Japanese Problem in Hawaii" (ddr-densho-67-64)
Memo to Col. Scobey from G.S. Eckhardt regarding the Japanese in Hawaii, specifically Gen. Emmons' power to evacuate. Suggests that Emmons is currently evacuating all aliens and "dangerous" citizens to the mainland, but cannot send more than 5,000.
Booklet: "A Voice That Must Be Heard" (ddr-densho-356-844)
Booklet titled: "A Voice That Must Be Heard" containing excerpts about Japanese Americans from statements by various government officials including: President Franklin Roosevelt, Henry L. Stimson, Joseph C. Grew, Elmer Davis, W.P. Scobey, Milton S. Eisenhower, Harold L. Ickes, J. Edgar Hoover, Paul V. McNutt, Delos C. Emmons, Kendell Fielder, and Chester C. Davis.