84 items
Camp Savage, Minnesota (ddr-csujad-25-95)
A photograph of a room of US military facilities. The photograph is probably taken in Camp Savage, Minnesota. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: jia_08_01_037
Toshikuni Taenaka, Camp Savage, Minnesota (ddr-csujad-25-113)
A photograph of Toshikuni Taenaka, a Japanese American Nisei/Kibei soldier, reading a magazine. The photograph is probably taken in Camp Savage, Minnesota. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: jia_08_01_055
Toshikuni Taenaka, Camp Savage, Minnesota (ddr-csujad-25-107)
A photograph of Toshikuni Taenaka, a Japanese American Nisei/Kibei soldier, reading a magazine. The photograph is probably taken in Camp Savage, Minnesota. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: jia_08_01_049
Japanese American soldier, Camp Savage, Minnesota (ddr-csujad-25-114)
A photograph of a Japanese American soldier in US Army uniform. He poses, lying down on a military bed. The photograph is probably taken in Camp Savage, Minnesota. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: jia_08_01_056
Japanese American soldiers, Camp Savage, Minnesota (ddr-csujad-25-117)
A photograph of four Japanese American soldiers playing cards in a room of US military facilities. The photograph is probably in Camp Savage, Minnesota. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: jia_08_01_059
Japanese American soldiers, Camp Savage, Minnesota (ddr-csujad-25-116)
A photograph of four Japanese American soldiers in a room of US military facilities. The photograph is probably taken in Camp Savage, Minnesota. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: jia_08_01_058
Japanese American soldier, Camp Savage, Minnesota (ddr-csujad-25-115)
A photograph of a Japanese American soldier. He poses, lying down on a military bed. The photograph is probably taken in Camp Savage, Minnesota. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: jia_08_01_057
Paul Bannai Interview I Segment 26 (ddr-densho-1000-128-26)
Attending Military Intelligence Service Language School (MISLS), Camp Savage, Minnesota, studying hard to catch up on Japanese language skills
Group photo at Camp Savage MIS Language school (ddr-ajah-2-850)
Caption below photo: MIS Military Intelligence Service language school Camp Savage, Minnesota, circa 1943
Group photo at Camp Savage MIS Language school (ddr-ajah-2-849)
Caption below photo: MIS Military Intelligence Service language school Camp Savage, Minnesota, circa 1943
Military Intelligence Service soldier (ddr-densho-107-23)
This photo was taken right after graduation from Military Intelligence Service Language School at Camp Savage, Minnesota.
Men standing in line outside building (ddr-ajah-2-787)
Caption: Chow Line, Camp Savage, Minnesota / October 1942-June 1943. Supplemental scan of ddr-ajah-2-476 with additional notes
Masaru Yoshioka (ddr-densho-357-734)
Masaru Yoshioka trains for military service at Camp Savage in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Japanese Americans in the United States Army's Military Intelligence Service were trained in translating captured Japanese documents at Camp Savage during WWII.
Military Intelligence Service Language School: Camp Savage, Minnesota, 1942-1944 (ddr-csujad-1-187)
This book was published "to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Military Intelligence Service Language School and to document the records of wartime episodes of Japanese-American Nisei soldiers in the Pacific Theater of Operation and to compile a collection of treasured remembrances of Camp Savage ..." See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization …
Portrait of group of men in uniform (ddr-ajah-2-800)
Caption: Niseis from the Military Intelligence School at Camp Savage, Minnesota visit friends and family incarcerated at Topaz, Utah - December 4. 1942. Includes names.
Man working at a drafting table (ddr-ajah-2-795)
Caption: Private Don Hikido, Camp Savage, Minnesota Military Intelligence School (MIS), October 1942-June 1943. Supplemental scan of ddr-ajah-2-483 with additional notes
Mitsue Matsui Segment 8 (ddr-densho-1008-3-8)
Sent to the Military Intelligence Service Language School at Camp Savage, Minnesota
Members of the National Japanese American Historical Society (NJAHS) arranged for and conducted this interview in conjunction with Densho.
Two men in cook's aprons outside building (ddr-ajah-2-789)
Caption: Cooks Fat Nakamura (left) and Wahoo Yasui pose while serving at Camp Savage, Minnesota, 1945. Supplemental scan of ddr-ajah-2-550 with additional notes
Portrait of group of men outside barracks, with individual autographs on front. (ddr-ajah-2-806)
Inscription on back: Section 10 Class - Camp Savage, Minnesota Dec. '42 - June '43. With names and hometowns identified. Supplemental scan of ddr-ajah-2-433 with additional notes
Group portrait of men in uniform (ddr-ajah-2-811)
Caption: Nisei soldiers from Barracks 15, Military Intelligence Service Language School (MISLS) Camp Savage, Minnesota, April 24, 1943. Supplemental scan of ddr-ajah-2-743 with additional notes
Takashi Matsui Interview Segment 18 (ddr-densho-1008-4-18)
Teaching at Military Intelligence Service Language School, Camp Savage, Minnesota: Emphasizing strict discipline, relationship with students
Members of the National Japanese American Historical Society (NJAHS) arranged for and conducted this interview in conjunction with Densho.
Man studying at desk (ddr-ajah-2-790)
Caption: Ben Moriwaki studies at Camp Savage, Minnesota, as a member of the Military Intelligence Service (MIS), October 1942-June 1943. Supplemental scan of ddr-ajah-2-508 with additional notes
Man sitting at table reading (ddr-ajah-2-788)
Caption: George Hatakeda studies at Camp Savage, Minnesota, as a member of the Military Intelligence Service (MIS), October 1942 - June 1943. Supplemental scan of ddr-ajah-2-502 with additional notes
Man sitting at table reading (ddr-ajah-2-799)
Caption: Iwao Shimamoto studies at Camp Savage, Minnesota, as a member of the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). October 1942 - June 1943. Supplemental scan of ddr-ajah-2-499 with additional notes
Kobayashi Collection (ddr-densho-173)
This collection contains two documents from Densho narrator Thomas Kobayashi. He served with the Military Intelligence Service during World War II, and the documents are from the Military Intelligence Service Language School at Camp Savage, Minnesota.