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12 items
Elementary school princesses (ddr-densho-20-3)
img Elementary school princesses (ddr-densho-20-3)
Elementary school princesses. Left to right: Unidentified, unidentified, Miyuki Hasegawa, Julie Hikida, Marianne Okawa, Haruko Nishimura, Kazuko Noji, Frank Sato, unidentified, Harumi Iwakiri.
Tulean dispatch magazine section: holiday edition (ddr-csujad-26-46)
doc Tulean dispatch magazine section: holiday edition (ddr-csujad-26-46)
Monthly publication at Tule Lake incarceration camp including stories, poems, commentary and creative writing. Current issue includes: "An editorial" by Howard M. Imazeki; "Her name is woman" by Riley O'Suga; "Christmas tree" by Shuji Kimura; "Six old bachelors" by Miyoko Takagi; "Looking back" by Eugene Okada; "Great American tragedy" by Tsuyoshi Nakamura; "Pure hell" by Yukio …
Program for Amache YWCA Rally (ddr-densho-356-828)
doc Program for Amache YWCA Rally (ddr-densho-356-828)
Program for the Amache YWCA Rally on November 14, 1942.