324 items
324 items

Mary Hamano Interview Segment 14 (ddr-densho-1000-215-14)
Conditions in Santa Anita Assembly Center

Yooichi Wakamiya Interview Segment 11 (ddr-manz-1-87-11)
First impressions of Santa Anita Assembly Center

June Yasuno Aochi (Yamashiro) Berk Segment 5 (ddr-densho-1000-453-5)
Living conditions at the Santa Anita Assembly Center

Hitoshi "Hank" Naito Interview Segment 11 (ddr-densho-1000-286-11)
Memories of Santa Anita assembly center (audio-only)

Mits Koshiyama Interview Segment 8 (ddr-densho-1000-130-8)
Registering for the draft at Santa Anita Assembly Center

Mutsu Homma Segment 23 (ddr-densho-1000-24-23)
Description of assembly center: "Santa Anita is a horse place"

Eiichi Edward Sakauye Interview Segment 19 (ddr-jamsj-2-7-19)
Journey to Santa Anita Assembly Center, California; description of conditions

Joe Ishikawa Interview Segment 16 (ddr-densho-1000-205-16)
Thoughts on Santa Anita assembly center, its effects on the community

Joe Yamakido Interview Segment 5 (ddr-densho-1000-167-5)
Unpleasant memories of Santa Anita Assembly Center, California, working as a trashman

Mits Koshiyama Interview Segment 7 (ddr-densho-1000-130-7)
Santa Anita Assembly Center: making camouflage nets, observing loss of family ties

Mutsu Homma Segment 29 (ddr-densho-1000-24-29)
Description of "riot" at the Santa Anita Assembly Center: protesting lack of food

Clothing Issuance (ddr-densho-356-797)
Information from Santa Anita Assembly Center on clothing allotments and issuing.

Toyoko Okumura Interview Segment 10 (ddr-janm-13-6-10)
Terrible conditions upon arrival at Santa Anita Assembly Center: "I thought we were coming to an end"

George Yoshida Interview Segment 21 (ddr-densho-1000-132-21)
Hearing about Japanese Americans who were removed early; visiting friends in Santa Anita Assembly Center while still "free"

Mutsu Homma Segment 22 (ddr-densho-1000-24-22)
Husband uses own money to buy equipment after being assigned as an official dentist of Santa Anita Assembly Center

Frank Aiji Endo Family at Santa Anita Assembly Center (ddr-densho-379-659)
The caption on the page of the photograph album is "Santa Anita Sept 1942". Frank Aiji Endo, Alice Yuriko Endo, and Todd Endo at Santa Anita Assembly Center.

Letter to Molly Wilson from Violet Saito (June 24, 1942) (ddr-janm-1-70)
Handwritten letter to Mollie Wilson from Violet Saito (June 24, 1942) from the Santa Anita Assembly Center in Arcadia, California.

George S. Matsui Segment 6 (ddr-densho-1008-2-6)
Impressions of Santa Anita Assembly Center
Members of the National Japanese American Historical Society (NJAHS) arranged for and conducted this interview in conjunction with Densho.

Japanese American with parasol (ddr-densho-37-766)
Original WRA caption: Japanese parasol for spring showers at Santa Anita Park assembly center. Evacuees later are transferred to War Relocation Authority center for the duration.

Japanese Americans eating in a mess hall (ddr-densho-37-482)
Original WRA caption: Arcadia, California. Meal time, cafeteria-style, for these children at Santa Anita assembly center for evacuees of Japanese ancestry.