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1220 items
Jean Shiraki Gize Interview Segment 5 (ddr-jamsj-2-14-5)
vh Jean Shiraki Gize Interview Segment 5 (ddr-jamsj-2-14-5)
Description of maternal grandmother: "she was a lovely woman"

This material is based upon work assisted by a grant from the Department of the Interior, National Park Service. Any opinions, finding, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of the …

Jean Shiraki Gize Interview Segment 1 (ddr-jamsj-2-14-1)
vh Jean Shiraki Gize Interview Segment 1 (ddr-jamsj-2-14-1)
Origins of name

This material is based upon work assisted by a grant from the Department of the Interior, National Park Service. Any opinions, finding, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of the Interior.

Dave Tatsuno Interview Segment 9 (ddr-jamsj-2-6-9)
vh Dave Tatsuno Interview Segment 9 (ddr-jamsj-2-6-9)
The aftermath of Pearl Harbor: "everything was turmoil"

This interview was conducted by the Japanese American Museum of San Jose, and is part of a project entitled "Lasting Stories: The Resettlement of San Jose Japantown," a collaborative project between the Japanese American Museum of San Jose and Densho.

Dave Tatsuno Interview Segment 11 (ddr-jamsj-2-6-11)
vh Dave Tatsuno Interview Segment 11 (ddr-jamsj-2-6-11)
Working as a buyer for camp co-op store

This interview was conducted by the Japanese American Museum of San Jose, and is part of a project entitled "Lasting Stories: The Resettlement of San Jose Japantown," a collaborative project between the Japanese American Museum of San Jose and Densho.

Dave Tatsuno Interview Segment 3 (ddr-jamsj-2-6-3)
vh Dave Tatsuno Interview Segment 3 (ddr-jamsj-2-6-3)
Experiencing subtle racial prejudice while growing up

This interview was conducted by the Japanese American Museum of San Jose, and is part of a project entitled "Lasting Stories: The Resettlement of San Jose Japantown," a collaborative project between the Japanese American Museum of San Jose and Densho.

Dave Tatsuno Interview Segment 20 (ddr-jamsj-2-6-20)
vh Dave Tatsuno Interview Segment 20 (ddr-jamsj-2-6-20)
The difficulty of reestablishing lives after the incarceration

This interview was conducted by the Japanese American Museum of San Jose, and is part of a project entitled "Lasting Stories: The Resettlement of San Jose Japantown," a collaborative project between the Japanese American Museum of San Jose and Densho.

Dave Tatsuno Interview Segment 19 (ddr-jamsj-2-6-19)
vh Dave Tatsuno Interview Segment 19 (ddr-jamsj-2-6-19)

This interview was conducted by the Japanese American Museum of San Jose, and is part of a project entitled "Lasting Stories: The Resettlement of San Jose Japantown," a collaborative project between the Japanese American Museum of San Jose and Densho.

Dave Tatsuno Interview Segment 21 (ddr-jamsj-2-6-21)
vh Dave Tatsuno Interview Segment 21 (ddr-jamsj-2-6-21)
Reflections on owning a business in the Japantown community

This interview was conducted by the Japanese American Museum of San Jose, and is part of a project entitled "Lasting Stories: The Resettlement of San Jose Japantown," a collaborative project between the Japanese American Museum of San Jose and Densho.

Dave Tatsuno Interview Segment 13 (ddr-jamsj-2-6-13)
vh Dave Tatsuno Interview Segment 13 (ddr-jamsj-2-6-13)
Observing events in camp: military volunteers, student relocation program

This interview was conducted by the Japanese American Museum of San Jose, and is part of a project entitled "Lasting Stories: The Resettlement of San Jose Japantown," a collaborative project between the Japanese American Museum of San Jose and Densho.

Dave Tatsuno Interview Segment 5 (ddr-jamsj-2-6-5)
vh Dave Tatsuno Interview Segment 5 (ddr-jamsj-2-6-5)
A difficult childhood: living alone in San Francisco with an unfit guardian

This interview was conducted by the Japanese American Museum of San Jose, and is part of a project entitled "Lasting Stories: The Resettlement of San Jose Japantown," a collaborative project between the Japanese American Museum of San Jose and Densho.

Dave Tatsuno Interview Segment 10 (ddr-jamsj-2-6-10)
vh Dave Tatsuno Interview Segment 10 (ddr-jamsj-2-6-10)
Renters of home in San Francisco steal and sell belongings

This interview was conducted by the Japanese American Museum of San Jose, and is part of a project entitled "Lasting Stories: The Resettlement of San Jose Japantown," a collaborative project between the Japanese American Museum of San Jose and Densho.

Dave Tatsuno Interview Segment 17 (ddr-jamsj-2-6-17)
vh Dave Tatsuno Interview Segment 17 (ddr-jamsj-2-6-17)
Description of Nichi Bei Bussan Department Store: long working hours

This interview was conducted by the Japanese American Museum of San Jose, and is part of a project entitled "Lasting Stories: The Resettlement of San Jose Japantown," a collaborative project between the Japanese American Museum of San Jose and Densho.

Dave Tatsuno Interview Segment 8 (ddr-jamsj-2-6-8)
vh Dave Tatsuno Interview Segment 8 (ddr-jamsj-2-6-8)
Childhood memories: holidays, discipline

This interview was conducted by the Japanese American Museum of San Jose, and is part of a project entitled "Lasting Stories: The Resettlement of San Jose Japantown," a collaborative project between the Japanese American Museum of San Jose and Densho.

Dave Tatsuno Interview Segment 14 (ddr-jamsj-2-6-14)
vh Dave Tatsuno Interview Segment 14 (ddr-jamsj-2-6-14)
An emotional return to San Francisco after leaving camp

This interview was conducted by the Japanese American Museum of San Jose, and is part of a project entitled "Lasting Stories: The Resettlement of San Jose Japantown," a collaborative project between the Japanese American Museum of San Jose and Densho.

Dave Tatsuno Interview Segment 4 (ddr-jamsj-2-6-4)
vh Dave Tatsuno Interview Segment 4 (ddr-jamsj-2-6-4)
Mystery surrounding official birth date and location

This interview was conducted by the Japanese American Museum of San Jose, and is part of a project entitled "Lasting Stories: The Resettlement of San Jose Japantown," a collaborative project between the Japanese American Museum of San Jose and Densho.

Dave Tatsuno Interview Segment 22 (ddr-jamsj-2-6-22)
vh Dave Tatsuno Interview Segment 22 (ddr-jamsj-2-6-22)
Present-day exterior and interior shots of the Nichi Bei Bussan Department Store

This interview was conducted by the Japanese American Museum of San Jose, and is part of a project entitled "Lasting Stories: The Resettlement of San Jose Japantown," a collaborative project between the Japanese American Museum of San Jose and Densho.

Dave Tatsuno Interview Segment 7 (ddr-jamsj-2-6-7)
vh Dave Tatsuno Interview Segment 7 (ddr-jamsj-2-6-7)
Prewar activities: YMCA and church groups

This interview was conducted by the Japanese American Museum of San Jose, and is part of a project entitled "Lasting Stories: The Resettlement of San Jose Japantown," a collaborative project between the Japanese American Museum of San Jose and Densho.

Dave Tatsuno Interview Segment 18 (ddr-jamsj-2-6-18)
vh Dave Tatsuno Interview Segment 18 (ddr-jamsj-2-6-18)
Importance and influence of the YMCA over the years

This interview was conducted by the Japanese American Museum of San Jose, and is part of a project entitled "Lasting Stories: The Resettlement of San Jose Japantown," a collaborative project between the Japanese American Museum of San Jose and Densho.

Dave Tatsuno Interview Segment 2 (ddr-jamsj-2-6-2)
vh Dave Tatsuno Interview Segment 2 (ddr-jamsj-2-6-2)
Growing up bilingual

This interview was conducted by the Japanese American Museum of San Jose, and is part of a project entitled "Lasting Stories: The Resettlement of San Jose Japantown," a collaborative project between the Japanese American Museum of San Jose and Densho.

Dave Tatsuno Interview Segment 16 (ddr-jamsj-2-6-16)
vh Dave Tatsuno Interview Segment 16 (ddr-jamsj-2-6-16)
Decision to sell Japanese goods in department store

This interview was conducted by the Japanese American Museum of San Jose, and is part of a project entitled "Lasting Stories: The Resettlement of San Jose Japantown," a collaborative project between the Japanese American Museum of San Jose and Densho.

Dave Tatsuno Interview Segment 12 (ddr-jamsj-2-6-12)
vh Dave Tatsuno Interview Segment 12 (ddr-jamsj-2-6-12)
Forming a YMCA chapter in camp

This interview was conducted by the Japanese American Museum of San Jose, and is part of a project entitled "Lasting Stories: The Resettlement of San Jose Japantown," a collaborative project between the Japanese American Museum of San Jose and Densho.

Iwao Peter Sano Interview Segment 11 (ddr-jamsj-2-9-11)
vh Iwao Peter Sano Interview Segment 11 (ddr-jamsj-2-9-11)
Feeling conflicted about Japanese and American aspects of identity
Iwao Peter Sano Interview Segment 8 (ddr-jamsj-2-9-8)
vh Iwao Peter Sano Interview Segment 8 (ddr-jamsj-2-9-8)
Attending school in an ethnically segregated school system