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4265 items
Business Card from Starlight Laundry (ddr-densho-423-164)
doc Business Card from Starlight Laundry (ddr-densho-423-164)
Starlight laundry was owned by Tomoyuki Nozawa, father of Tomoye and Martha Nozawa.
Accounting lists for Starlight Laundry (ddr-densho-423-313)
doc Accounting lists for Starlight Laundry (ddr-densho-423-313)
For wages, expenses. On adding machine tape and backs of laundry receipts.
Lease for Stanyan Street property, Including Starlight Laundry (ddr-densho-423-566)
doc Lease for Stanyan Street property, Including Starlight Laundry (ddr-densho-423-566)
Lease identifies Tomoye Takahashi, also known as Tomoye Nozawa as owner. Includes detailed inventory of equipment and supplies
Letter from Martha (Nozawa)Tsuchida to Tami (Tomoye) Takahashi (ddr-densho-423-80)
doc Letter from Martha (Nozawa)Tsuchida to Tami (Tomoye) Takahashi (ddr-densho-423-80)
Concerning negotiations with Nieman Marcus for lighters, work being done for the show in SF, the family is doing well.