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2441 items
Hisaye Yamamoto Interview Segment 4 (ddr-densho-1002-10-4)
vh Hisaye Yamamoto Interview Segment 4 (ddr-densho-1002-10-4)
Memories of hearing about the bombing of Pearl Harbor: a question over citizenship

This interview was conducted by sisters Emiko and Chizuko Omori for their 1999 documentary, Rabbit in the Moon, about the Japanese American resisters of conscience in the World War II incarceration camps. As a result, the interviews in this collection are typically …

Hisaye Yamamoto Interview Segment 13 (ddr-densho-1002-10-13)
vh Hisaye Yamamoto Interview Segment 13 (ddr-densho-1002-10-13)
Leaving camp and returning to California

This interview was conducted by sisters Emiko and Chizuko Omori for their 1999 documentary, Rabbit in the Moon, about the Japanese American resisters of conscience in the World War II incarceration camps. As a result, the interviews in this collection are typically not life histories, instead primarily focusing on …

Hisaye Yamamoto Interview Segment 12 (ddr-densho-1002-10-12)
vh Hisaye Yamamoto Interview Segment 12 (ddr-densho-1002-10-12)
Thoughts on the registration period in camp; brother volunteered for military, killed in Italy at age nineteen

This interview was conducted by sisters Emiko and Chizuko Omori for their 1999 documentary, Rabbit in the Moon, about the Japanese American resisters of conscience in the World War II incarceration camps. As a result, the interviews in …

Hisaye Yamamoto Interview Segment 1 (ddr-densho-1002-10-1)
vh Hisaye Yamamoto Interview Segment 1 (ddr-densho-1002-10-1)
Family background; growing up in Redondo Beach, California

This interview was conducted by sisters Emiko and Chizuko Omori for their 1999 documentary, Rabbit in the Moon, about the Japanese American resisters of conscience in the World War II incarceration camps. As a result, the interviews in this collection are typically not life histories, instead primarily …

Hisaye Yamamoto Interview Segment 6 (ddr-densho-1002-10-6)
vh Hisaye Yamamoto Interview Segment 6 (ddr-densho-1002-10-6)
Memories of mass removal; first impressions of Parker Dam Assembly Center, Arizona

This interview was conducted by sisters Emiko and Chizuko Omori for their 1999 documentary, Rabbit in the Moon, about the Japanese American resisters of conscience in the World War II incarceration camps. As a result, the interviews in this collection are typically not …

Hisaye Yamamoto Interview Segment 11 (ddr-densho-1002-10-11)
vh Hisaye Yamamoto Interview Segment 11 (ddr-densho-1002-10-11)
Relationship between parents and children in camp

This interview was conducted by sisters Emiko and Chizuko Omori for their 1999 documentary, Rabbit in the Moon, about the Japanese American resisters of conscience in the World War II incarceration camps. As a result, the interviews in this collection are typically not life histories, instead primarily focusing …

Hisaye Yamamoto Interview Segment 7 (ddr-densho-1002-10-7)
vh Hisaye Yamamoto Interview Segment 7 (ddr-densho-1002-10-7)
Recollections of Poston concentration camp, Arizona: heat, sand, and bad food

This interview was conducted by sisters Emiko and Chizuko Omori for their 1999 documentary, Rabbit in the Moon, about the Japanese American resisters of conscience in the World War II incarceration camps. As a result, the interviews in this collection are typically not life …

Hisaye Yamamoto Interview Segment 2 (ddr-densho-1002-10-2)
vh Hisaye Yamamoto Interview Segment 2 (ddr-densho-1002-10-2)
Description of Japanese farming communities before the war

This interview was conducted by sisters Emiko and Chizuko Omori for their 1999 documentary, Rabbit in the Moon, about the Japanese American resisters of conscience in the World War II incarceration camps. As a result, the interviews in this collection are typically not life histories, instead primarily …

Hisaye Yamamoto Interview Segment 15 (ddr-densho-1002-10-15)
vh Hisaye Yamamoto Interview Segment 15 (ddr-densho-1002-10-15)
Early ambitions to be a writer

This interview was conducted by sisters Emiko and Chizuko Omori for their 1999 documentary, Rabbit in the Moon, about the Japanese American resisters of conscience in the World War II incarceration camps. As a result, the interviews in this collection are typically not life histories, instead primarily focusing on …

Aiko Herzig Interview Segment 3 (ddr-densho-1002-8-3)
vh Aiko Herzig Interview Segment 3 (ddr-densho-1002-8-3)
A senior in high school when Pearl Harbor bombing took place: "we were treated with a sort of disdain"

This interview was conducted by sisters Emiko and Chizuko Omori for their 1999 documentary, Rabbit in the Moon, about the Japanese American resisters of conscience in the World War II incarceration camps. As a result, the …

Aiko Herzig Interview Segment 13 (ddr-densho-1002-8-13)
vh Aiko Herzig Interview Segment 13 (ddr-densho-1002-8-13)
Remembering the "Manzanar riot": "it was worrisome"

This interview was conducted by sisters Emiko and Chizuko Omori for their 1999 documentary, Rabbit in the Moon, about the Japanese American resisters of conscience in the World War II incarceration camps. As a result, the interviews in this collection are typically not life histories, instead primarily focusing …

Aiko Herzig Interview Segment 6 (ddr-densho-1002-8-6)
vh Aiko Herzig Interview Segment 6 (ddr-densho-1002-8-6)
Experiencing hostility and discrimination in high school after the bombing of Pearl Harbor

This interview was conducted by sisters Emiko and Chizuko Omori for their 1999 documentary, Rabbit in the Moon, about the Japanese American resisters of conscience in the World War II incarceration camps. As a result, the interviews in this collection are typically …

Aiko Herzig Interview Segment 10 (ddr-densho-1002-8-10)
vh Aiko Herzig Interview Segment 10 (ddr-densho-1002-8-10)
Having a baby in camp: feeling angry because of lack of nutritious food for child

This interview was conducted by sisters Emiko and Chizuko Omori for their 1999 documentary, Rabbit in the Moon, about the Japanese American resisters of conscience in the World War II incarceration camps. As a result, the interviews in this collection …

Aiko Herzig Interview Segment 14 (ddr-densho-1002-8-14)
vh Aiko Herzig Interview Segment 14 (ddr-densho-1002-8-14)
Difficulties experienced in the day-to-day living conditions in camp

This interview was conducted by sisters Emiko and Chizuko Omori for their 1999 documentary, Rabbit in the Moon, about the Japanese American resisters of conscience in the World War II incarceration camps. As a result, the interviews in this collection are typically not life histories, instead …

Aiko Herzig Interview Segment 1 (ddr-densho-1002-8-1)
vh Aiko Herzig Interview Segment 1 (ddr-densho-1002-8-1)
Family background: parents worked hard before World War II

This interview was conducted by sisters Emiko and Chizuko Omori for their 1999 documentary, Rabbit in the Moon, about the Japanese American resisters of conscience in the World War II incarceration camps. As a result, the interviews in this collection are typically not life histories, instead …

Aiko Herzig Interview Segment 18 (ddr-densho-1002-8-18)
vh Aiko Herzig Interview Segment 18 (ddr-densho-1002-8-18)
Working with Peter Irons to find evidence of governmental misconduct during World War II

This interview was conducted by sisters Emiko and Chizuko Omori for their 1999 documentary, Rabbit in the Moon, about the Japanese American resisters of conscience in the World War II incarceration camps. As a result, the interviews in this collection are …

Aiko Herzig Interview Segment 5 (ddr-densho-1002-8-5)
vh Aiko Herzig Interview Segment 5 (ddr-densho-1002-8-5)
Preparing for mass removal: "it was a hectic, frantic time for all the Japanese families"

This interview was conducted by sisters Emiko and Chizuko Omori for their 1999 documentary, Rabbit in the Moon, about the Japanese American resisters of conscience in the World War II incarceration camps. As a result, the interviews in this collection …

Aiko Herzig Interview Segment 4 (ddr-densho-1002-8-4)
vh Aiko Herzig Interview Segment 4 (ddr-densho-1002-8-4)
Memories of the time leading up to mass removal

This interview was conducted by sisters Emiko and Chizuko Omori for their 1999 documentary, Rabbit in the Moon, about the Japanese American resisters of conscience in the World War II incarceration camps. As a result, the interviews in this collection are typically not life histories, instead …

Aiko Herzig Interview Segment 9 (ddr-densho-1002-8-9)
vh Aiko Herzig Interview Segment 9 (ddr-densho-1002-8-9)
Life in Manzanar concentration camp, California: lack of privacy, "dreadful food"

This interview was conducted by sisters Emiko and Chizuko Omori for their 1999 documentary, Rabbit in the Moon, about the Japanese American resisters of conscience in the World War II incarceration camps. As a result, the interviews in this collection are typically not life …

Aiko Herzig Interview Segment 8 (ddr-densho-1002-8-8)
vh Aiko Herzig Interview Segment 8 (ddr-densho-1002-8-8)
First impressions of Manzanar, California: "it was so depressing"

This interview was conducted by sisters Emiko and Chizuko Omori for their 1999 documentary, Rabbit in the Moon, about the Japanese American resisters of conscience in the World War II incarceration camps. As a result, the interviews in this collection are typically not life histories, instead …

Aiko Herzig Interview Segment 16 (ddr-densho-1002-8-16)
vh Aiko Herzig Interview Segment 16 (ddr-densho-1002-8-16)
Many years after World War II, becoming inspired to research the camp experience

This interview was conducted by sisters Emiko and Chizuko Omori for their 1999 documentary, Rabbit in the Moon, about the Japanese American resisters of conscience in the World War II incarceration camps. As a result, the interviews in this collection are typically …

Aiko Herzig Interview Segment 7 (ddr-densho-1002-8-7)
vh Aiko Herzig Interview Segment 7 (ddr-densho-1002-8-7)
Deciding to elope before mass removal

This interview was conducted by sisters Emiko and Chizuko Omori for their 1999 documentary, Rabbit in the Moon, about the Japanese American resisters of conscience in the World War II incarceration camps. As a result, the interviews in this collection are typically not life histories, instead primarily focusing on …

Aiko Herzig Interview Segment 12 (ddr-densho-1002-8-12)
vh Aiko Herzig Interview Segment 12 (ddr-densho-1002-8-12)
Being present for father's death at Jerome, Arkansas, concentration camp; description of father's interests, values

This interview was conducted by sisters Emiko and Chizuko Omori for their 1999 documentary, Rabbit in the Moon, about the Japanese American resisters of conscience in the World War II incarceration camps. As a result, the interviews in this collection …

Aiko Herzig Interview Segment 2 (ddr-densho-1002-8-2)
vh Aiko Herzig Interview Segment 2 (ddr-densho-1002-8-2)
Early aspirations to be a tap dancer

This interview was conducted by sisters Emiko and Chizuko Omori for their 1999 documentary, Rabbit in the Moon, about the Japanese American resisters of conscience in the World War II incarceration camps. As a result, the interviews in this collection are typically not life histories, instead primarily focusing …

Aiko Herzig Interview Segment 17 (ddr-densho-1002-8-17)
vh Aiko Herzig Interview Segment 17 (ddr-densho-1002-8-17)
Discovering the missing "tenth copy" of John L. DeWitt's Final Report

This interview was conducted by sisters Emiko and Chizuko Omori for their 1999 documentary, Rabbit in the Moon, about the Japanese American resisters of conscience in the World War II incarceration camps. As a result, the interviews in this collection are typically not life …