4260 items
Card from Ana McKay to Tami (Tomoye) Takahashi (ddr-densho-422-354)
Condolence card after Henri Takahashi's death
Card from Alex Jansen to Tomoe (Tomoye) Takahashi (ddr-densho-422-382)
Condolence card after Henri Takahashi's death
Card from Susie Takeda to Tomoye Takahashi (ddr-densho-422-383)
Condolence card after Henri Takahashi's death
Letter from Tom Tominaga to Henri Takahashi (ddr-densho-422-450)
First page missing. Asking him to send a few things to him. Address on envelope is military APO address in San Francisco, but letter is likely from Tokyo.
Letter from Philip Lee, San Francisco Apartment Association, to Tomoye Takahashi (ddr-densho-422-275)
Asking her to rejoin their group.
Clipping from East-West Journal (ddr-densho-422-618)
Announcing the first holder of the Takahashi Professorship, Prof. Masahiko Aoki
Letter to Tomoye Takahashi (ddr-densho-422-297)
Written in Japanese. Written on back of envelope in english: Misao Maruyama-Terutomi 96 yrs
Card from J. Mullineaux to Tomoye Takahashi (ddr-densho-422-377)
Condolence card after Henri Takahashi's death
Letter from Katsuhiko Hagiwara to Victor Abe (ddr-densho-422-32)
Returning whatever items he has from Takahashi's, but denying that he owes Tomoye or the company any money.
View of large crowd on dock by ship with streamers taken from ship (ddr-ajah-6-595)
Caption below photo: Streamers connect departing Japanese friends and relatives aboard ship, likely in San Francisco, CA. Every person seen here appears to be Japanese. On the back of the photo: To: Mr. (Takuritsu) Morita, taken on April 17, 1926. Morita's friend must have taken this photo and sent it to him. Morita was living in …
Two women walking down stairs (ddr-ajah-6-535)
Caption below photo: Mrs. Teshima (left) and Fumiko "Nellie" Itahara stroll around the Golden Gate International Exposition of 1939, San Francisco's third and last World's Fair. It was also the year that Nazi Germany invaded Europe. Among the items that Itahara may have noticed at the World's Fair was the German swastika flag. Teshima and Itahara …
Tomoe Tomine singing with band (ddr-ajah-6-956)
Caption below photo: Tomoe Tomine sings at a club or restaurant, circa 1950s
View of large crowd on dock by ship with streamers taken from ship (ddr-ajah-6-594)
Caption below photo: Streamers connect departing Japanese friends and relatives aboard ship, likely in San Francisco, CA. On the back of the photo: To: Mr. (Takuritsu) Morita, taken on April 17, 1926. Morita's friend must have taken this photo and sent it to him. Morita was living in Alameda, CA at this time.
Group sitting at a table at San Francisco YMCA (ddr-ajah-6-939)
Caption below photo: San Francisco YMCA, where Susumu Tomine (far left) went for English lessons, circa 1939-1940. He was a kibei, born in America but educated in Japan. Her returned when he was 18 years old to live in Alameda, CA.
Large group photo (ddr-ajah-6-598)
Caption below photo: 2031 Bush Street, San Francisco, CA. Far left, 2nd row is Takuritsu Morita, an instructor in the Japanese language living in Alameda or Oakland when this photo was shot, 1915-1933
Family standing on sidewalk (ddr-ajah-6-328)
Caption below photo: An Issei man, wearing a straw hat and western shoes and what appears to be his family, perhaps right after the women arrive in America. Note the traditional geta shoes worn by his daughter. Location unknown, but probably San Francisco, CA circa 1915-1924. Japanese Immigration ended in 1924.