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161 items
Letter written to Helen Takahashi from Margaret (ddr-densho-410-43)
doc Letter written to Helen Takahashi from Margaret (ddr-densho-410-43)
Letter describes in detail moving into Tanforan Assembly center and conditions there. Note on back of last page from Helen to Tomoye, asking for permission to publish the letter.
Instruction on Evacuation of Tanforan Assembly Center (ddr-densho-410-6)
doc Instruction on Evacuation of Tanforan Assembly Center (ddr-densho-410-6)
For Tomoye and Helen Takahashi and Masako Martha Nozawa to relocate to Central Utah WRA camp (Topaz). Back has instructions of behavior during the transfer in English and Japanese.
Marriage license application for Susumu Tomine and Tomoe Otsu (ddr-ajah-6-945)
doc Marriage license application for Susumu Tomine and Tomoe Otsu (ddr-ajah-6-945)
Caption below photo: Susumu Tomine (of San Francisco, CA) and fianc?e Tomoe Otsu's (of Alameda, CA) application for a license to marry, August 5, 1942. He had contracted Tuberculosis and was living at the Hassler Health Home in Redwood City, CA. Tomoe had already evacuated to the Tanforan Assembly Center. They were hastily married in Tanforan.
Japanese Americans waiting in mess hall line (ddr-densho-151-354)
img Japanese Americans waiting in mess hall line (ddr-densho-151-354)
Original caption: San Bruno, California. Noon time: Meal times are the big events of the day at assembly centers. Shown here is a line-up of evacuees waiting for the "B" shift. They carry with them their own dishes and cutlery in cloth bags to protect them from the dust, which they, themselves, individually wash after every …
Assembly center new arrivals standing in lines (ddr-densho-151-60)
img Assembly center new arrivals standing in lines (ddr-densho-151-60)
Original WRA caption: San Bruno, California. This assembly center has been open for two days. Bus-load after bus-load of evacuated persons of Japanese ancestry are arriving on this day after going through the necessary procedures, they are guided to the quarters assigned to them in the barracks. Only one mess hall was operating today. Photograph shows …
Japanese Americans entering mess hall (ddr-densho-151-359)
img Japanese Americans entering mess hall (ddr-densho-151-359)
Original caption: San Bruno, California. Supper time: Meal times are the big events of the day at the assembly centers. This is a line-up of evacuees waiting for the "B" shift at 5:45 pm. They carry with them their own dishes and cutlery in bags to protect them from the dust. They themselves, wash their own …
Japanese Americans waiting in mess hall line (ddr-densho-151-348)
img Japanese Americans waiting in mess hall line (ddr-densho-151-348)
Original caption: San Bruno, California. Supper time: Meal times are the big events of the day at assembly centers. This is a line-up of evacuees waiting for the "B" shift at 5:45 pm. They carry with them their own dishes and cutlery in bags to protect them from the dust. They, themselves, individually wash their own …
Japanese Americans waiting in mess hall line (ddr-densho-151-347)
img Japanese Americans waiting in mess hall line (ddr-densho-151-347)
Original caption: San Bruno, California. "Supper time" Meal times are the big events of the day at assembly centers. This is a line-up of evacuees waiting for the "B" shift at 5:45 pm. They carry with them their own dishes and cutlery in bags to protect them from the dust. They, themselves, individually wash their own …