161 items
161 items

Tanforan totalizer, vol. 1, no. 19 (September 12, 1942) (ddr-csujad-55-2325)
Tanforan totalizer, final issue, vol. 1, no. 19, whichi is a newsletter published at the Tanforan Temporary Assembly Center. Covers a background on WRA Director Dillon S. Myer, WRA policies on basic provisions, community enterprises, work and pay, order of merit, private employment, clothing allowances, self government, and an overview of events and happenings at the …

Immunization record, WCCA Form S-5, Ruby Ebisui (ddr-csujad-55-1294)
Immunization card belonging to Ruby Ebisui. Includes dates for typhoid, smallpox, and diphtheria immunizations. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_1296

Instructions on evacuation of Tanforan Assembly Center (ddr-csujad-55-1295)
Instructions for the Ebisui family regarding departure from Tanforan Temporary Assembly Center and travel to Topaz incarceration camp. Covers packing and crating, government property, hand baggage, train baggage, freight, and identification tags. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_1297

Letter to Rev. Robert Inglis from Shigeyuki Kusuda (ddr-densho-498-11)
Letter to Robert Inglis from Shigeyuki Kusuda from Tanforan Assembly Center. He arrived May 7 and is settling in as comfortably as possible.

Letter to Rev. Robert Inglis from George Aki (ddr-densho-498-22)
Letter to Robert Inglis from George Aki discussing a church schedule.

Ordination papers by Masayoki Wakai (ddr-densho-498-24)
Masayoshi Wakai's ordination papers expressing his religious history, Christian beliefs, and considerations leading to ministry.

Postcard to Rev. Robert Inglis from Teizo Sato (ddr-densho-498-12)
Postcard to Robert Inglis from Teizo Sato from Tanforan Assembly Center. Sato is thanking Inglis for his kindness and letting him know that he made it safely to Tanforan.

Letter to Rev. Robert Inglis from Masayoshi Wakai (ddr-densho-498-32)
Letter to Robert Inglis from Masayoshi Wakai apoligizing for missing his visit at Tanforan Assembly Center. Wakai also updates Inglis on the goings-on at church in Tanforan.

Letter to Rev. Robert Inglis from Kay Uchida (ddr-densho-498-21)
Letter of gratitude to Robert Inglis from Kay Uchida from Tanforan Assembly Center. Uchida requests a few items to be purchased for them and sent to the assembly center.

Letter to Rev. Robert Inglis from Mitsuko Doris Mizote (ddr-densho-498-36)
Letter to Robert Inglis from Mitsuko Doris Mizote thanking him for his kindness and requesting that he send the seven packages that they left for him.

Letter to Rev. Robert Inglis from Masayoshi Wakai and George Aki (ddr-densho-498-31)
Letter to Robert Inglis from Masaysohi Wakai and George Akai thanking him for his support in their successful ordination of ministry. They express how they are performing their ministry duties at Tanforan Assembly Center.

Ordination notes and drafts by Rev. Robert Inglis (ddr-densho-498-26)
Rev. Robert Inglis' notes for the ordination of two Japanese American men at Tanforan June 11, 1942. After 2, numbers jump to 5 then 7, then 12, then 14, then 16-20.

Clipping- An Historical Ordination (ddr-densho-498-29)
An Historical Ordination by Robert Inglis. Inglis writes of the ordination of Mr. George Aki and Mr. Masayoshi Wakai at Tanforan Assembly Center

Clipping- Japs Made Ministers (ddr-densho-498-23)
Newspaper clipping titled, "Japs Made Ministers," which discusses Masoyoshi Wakai and George Aki's ministry ordination in Tanforan Assembly Center.

Suffering Enriches Our Lives (ddr-densho-498-30)
"Suffering Enriches Our Lives" by Masayoshi Wakai. Wakai writes about the suffering of Japanese Americans during evacuation and relocation that has brought out kindness and fellowship. He states, "by undergoing similar difficulties and hardships, thus creating a sense of fellowship in suffering, we find that men here do try to help each other meet the difficulty …

Letter to Rev. Robert Inglis from D. Uchida (ddr-densho-498-13)
Letter of gratitude to Robert Inglis from D. Uchida from Tanforan Assembly Center

Letter to Rev. Robert Inglis from Misaki Aki (ddr-densho-498-34)
Letter to Robert Inglis from Misaki Aki requesting that he come to Tanforan to lead a church service.

Letter to Rev. Robert Inglis from The Tanaka Family (ddr-densho-498-39)
Letter to Robert Inglis from the Tanaka Family thanking him for his kindness and letting him know that they are making the journey to Topaz, Utah. Mention of Mr. and Mrs. K. Saito and their son who are taking up the offer to go to St. Louis.

Letter to Rev. Robert Inglis from Isao Tanaka (ddr-densho-498-38)
Letter to Robert Inglis from Isao Tanaka explaining that most of the people from Tanforan Assembly Center have been or will be transported to Topaz, Utah. Tanaka thanks Inglis for his kindness.

Letter to Rev. Robert Inglis from Kay (ddr-densho-498-33)
Letter of gratitude to Robert Inglis from Kay Uchida from Tanforan Assembly Center. Uchida explains what life is like in the assembly center.

Letter to Rev. Robert Inglis from Mas Wakai (ddr-densho-498-17)
Letter to Robert Inglis from Mas Wakai at Tanforan Assembly Center, discussing his and George Aki's ordination

Ordination papers by George Aki (ddr-densho-498-25)
George Aki's ordination papers expressing his religious history, Christian beliefs, and considerations leading to ministry.

Letter to Rev. Robert Inglis from Hideko Nakazawa (ddr-densho-498-35)
Letter to Robert Inglis from Hideko Nakazawa letting him know that she will be joining her family at Tanforan Assembly Center and to address all letters to her there.

Letter to Rev. Robert Inglis from Mas Wakai (ddr-densho-498-20)
Letter to Robert Inglis from Mas Wakai at Tanforan Assembly Center, discussing church matters