6 items
6 items
Nisei veterans reunion meeting notes (ddr-densho-390-44)
Meeting notes immediately after the 1985 reunion discussing the success of the event and locations for future reunions.
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 48, No. 23 (June 5, 1959) (ddr-pc-31-23)
Selected article titles: "Oregon governor names JACLer to state agricultural board" (p. 1), "Toronto editorial asks Canadian gov't to apologize for its Japanese evacuation" (p. 1), "Control of Seabrook farms transferred" (p. 1), "2,600 U.S. Issei naturalized in 1958 fiscal year" (p. 1), "Editorial samplings of nation's press supports Justice Dept. view on evacuation; one columnist …
Thanksgiving Menu (ddr-densho-368-686)
This souvenir menu includes the Thanksgiving menu as well as listing all the men stationed at Camp Joseph T. Robinson, Arkansas.
11th Triennial Nisei Veterans Reunion Maui News supplement (ddr-densho-390-139)
Articles on the 11th Nisei Veterans Reunion held in Maui, with a list of participants. Walter Matsuoka is listed on page 24 with the Veterans of Foreign Wars.
Heart Mountain Sentinel Vol. I No. 1 (October 24, 1942) (ddr-densho-97-99)
Selected article titles: "Residents to Name Charter Delegates" (p. 1), "Heart Mountain Inspires Name for New Project Newspaper" (p. 1), "Griffin Warns Reckless Drivers" (p. 1), "First Copies Sent Roosevelt, Myer" (p. 1), "Two Cases Tried by Heart Mountain Court" (p. 2), "Residents Warned of Bogus Wardens" (p. 2), "USO Plans for Center Under Way" (p. …