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4 items
May the committee further recommend the release of the following (ddr-csujad-2-76)
doc May the committee further recommend the release of the following (ddr-csujad-2-76)
Document presents a list of 52 incarcerees; names are introduced with the text, "May the committee further recommend the release of the following" [presumably from the army stockades]. Nakao, Masaru; Inoue, Tetsuo; Hayashioa, Bob; Tahara, Tom; Saito, Shu; Shingu, Tadashi (Fred); Ogata, Tanji; Fujimoto, Tadao (Wm); Yamamoto, Kazuo; Tanabe, Yaichi; Wada, Shozo; Takaoka, Yoshio; Komiya, Shunichi; …
New Herald Vol. 3 No. 2 (July 1, 1945) (ddr-densho-483-88)
doc New Herald Vol. 3 No. 2 (July 1, 1945) (ddr-densho-483-88)
Selected article titles: "Heralds needed" (p. 1), "Photos available" (p. 1), Faithful pastor" (p. 1), "Pvt. Nezu speaks" (p. 1), "Feature editor" (p. 1), "Realistic belief" (p. 2), "God's men at war" (p. 2)