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22 items
Two men standing (ddr-densho-393-2)
img Two men standing (ddr-densho-393-2)
Ron Ikejiri (left) and John Tateishi (right)
Two men shaking hands (ddr-densho-393-20)
img Two men shaking hands (ddr-densho-393-20)
Ron Ikejiri shaking hands, likely an event related to redress and creation of CWRIC
Group of men at desk in White House, Signing of Commission of Wartime Relocation and Internment of Citizens Act into law (ddr-densho-393-3)
img Group of men at desk in White House, Signing of Commission of Wartime Relocation and Internment of Citizens Act into law (ddr-densho-393-3)
Left to right: Clifford Uyeda (half hidden), Ted Stevens, Daniel Inouye, Ron Ikejiri, Barbara Ikejiri, Norm Mineta, Pres. Jimmy Carter, George Danielson. Photo front and back.
Group at desk in White House, signing of Commission of Wartime Relocation and Internment of Citizens Act into law (ddr-densho-393-24)
img Group at desk in White House, signing of Commission of Wartime Relocation and Internment of Citizens Act into law (ddr-densho-393-24)
Clifford Uyeda (at left in back in gray suit), Ted Stevens (red tie), Daniel Inouye (center facing camera), Ron Ikejiri (center back), Barbara Ikejiri (in front of Rod Ikejiri), President Jimmy Carter (center with back to camera), Spark Matsunaga (at Carter's right). Signed "To Ron Ikejiri, In appreciation of your continuing efforts on behalf of the …
Men standing behind President Jimmy Carter in White House, signing of Commission of Wartime Relocation and Internment of Citizens Act into law (ddr-densho-393-4)
img Men standing behind President Jimmy Carter in White House, signing of Commission of Wartime Relocation and Internment of Citizens Act into law (ddr-densho-393-4)
Left to right: Unknown, Clifford Uyeda, Ted Stevens, Daniel Inouye, Ron Ikejiri, Barbara Ikejiri, Norm Mineta, Spark Matsunaga, George Danielson. President Carter seated. Photo front and back.
Men standing behind President Jimmy Carter in White House, signing of Commission of Wartime Relocation and Internment of Citizens Act into law (ddr-densho-393-5)
img Men standing behind President Jimmy Carter in White House, signing of Commission of Wartime Relocation and Internment of Citizens Act into law (ddr-densho-393-5)
Unknown, Clifford Uyeda, Ted Stevens, Daniel Inouye, Ron Ikejiri, Barbara Ikejiri, Norm Mineta, Spark Matsunaga, George Danielson. President Carter seated. photo front and back. Signed by George Danielson, Congressman from California.
Group sitting at table (ddr-densho-393-6)
img Group sitting at table (ddr-densho-393-6)
Photo signed by Sparks Matsunaga (standing at right) to Ron Ikejiri (seated at right). Mike Matsaoka seated at center. Photo front and back.
Letter from Daniel Inouye to Ron Ikejiri (ddr-densho-393-14)
doc Letter from Daniel Inouye to Ron Ikejiri (ddr-densho-393-14)
Referring to meeting with Ikejiri and John Tateishi about introducing redress legislation.
Ryo Komae Interview (ddr-densho-400-14)
av Ryo Komae Interview (ddr-densho-400-14)
Ryo Komae was born on July 26, 1918, in Los Angeles, California. He was one of three children, and his parents were Tojiro and Komaji Komae. His father was "watchman" (security guard) for the Los Angeles City Market and his mother was a housewife. During World War II, he was removed with his family to the …
George Kobayashi Interview (ddr-densho-400-13)
av George Kobayashi Interview (ddr-densho-400-13)
George Kobayashi was born on February 20, 1924, in Torrance, California. He was one of three children, and his parents' names were Tamechi and Yuko Kobayashi. His father was a farmer in Gardena and his mother was a housewife. When the war broke out, he and his family moved to Fort Lupton, Colorado. During the war …
Letter and clipping from Yoshihisa Komori to Ron Ikejiri (ddr-densho-393-17)
doc Letter and clipping from Yoshihisa Komori to Ron Ikejiri (ddr-densho-393-17)
Thanking Ikejiri for doing an interview with Mainichi Shinbun paper. Clipping in Japanese with photo of Ikejiri.
Michael Shigeru Yasutake Interview (ddr-densho-400-24)
av Michael Shigeru Yasutake Interview (ddr-densho-400-24)
Michael Yasutake was born on August 4, 1915, in Long Beach, California. He was one of Kumataro and Itsu Yasutake's eight children. His father was a farmer in Gardena, California, and his mother was a housewife. When the war broke out he was already in the army and served with the Military Intelligence Service. His family …
Group of men around table (ddr-densho-393-7)
img Group of men around table (ddr-densho-393-7)
Seated from left: Sens. Spark Matsunaga and Daniel Inouye of Hawaii, Reps. Robert Matsui of Sacramento and Norman Mineta of San Jose. Standing from left: Karl Nobuyuki, Ron Mamiya, Clifford Uyeda, Ronald Ikejiri and John Tateishi. Photo front and Back.
Ron Ikejiri Collection (ddr-densho-393)
Collection Ron Ikejiri Collection (ddr-densho-393)
Ronald Ikejiri worked on the creation of the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Incarceration of Citizens (CWRIC) as a representative for the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) to Washington, DC. The collection consists of photos and correspondence from that period as well as several family photos.