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10 items
Sam Rokutani in basketball uniform (ddr-ajah-5-22)
img Sam Rokutani in basketball uniform (ddr-ajah-5-22)
Caption below photo: Sam Rokutani Alameda, CA Mudhens basketball team 1933
Sam Rokutani in baseball uniform (ddr-ajah-5-91)
img Sam Rokutani in baseball uniform (ddr-ajah-5-91)
Caption below photo: Sam Rokutani of Alameda, CA., He played for the Alameda Taiiku Kai (ATK) baseball team. Born around 1918, this photo is circa late 1930s or early 1940s.
Shinobu Rokutani with football (ddr-ajah-6-864)
img Shinobu Rokutani with football (ddr-ajah-6-864)
Caption below photo: Shinobu "Sam" Rokutani, Alameda, CA. He was born on November 20, 1917, making this photo circa mid 1930s. At this time, his family was living at 2301 Eagle Ave. He would later work at the family gas station at 1800 Park St.
Three men in baseball uniforms (ddr-ajah-5-97)
img Three men in baseball uniforms (ddr-ajah-5-97)
Caption below photo: L to R: Taro Takeda, Sam Rokutani and Non Iwahashi of the Alameda Taiiku Kai (ATK) baseball team, Alameda, CA. Taro was born in 1915, making this photo circa early to mid 1930s.
Team photo of ATK baseball team holding flag (ddr-ajah-5-93)
img Team photo of ATK baseball team holding flag (ddr-ajah-5-93)
Caption includes biographical information about Kiyo Nogami
Document with photo of Alameda Mustangs basketball team and transcription of articles (ddr-ajah-5-41)
doc Document with photo of Alameda Mustangs basketball team and transcription of articles (ddr-ajah-5-41)
Caption below photo: Alameda Isle City Mustangs basektball team, circa 1938. Includes individual names. Article is from Nichibei Shinbun, December 21, 1937
Team photo of ATK baseball team (ddr-ajah-5-100)
img Team photo of ATK baseball team (ddr-ajah-5-100)
Caption below photo: 1936 Alameda Taiiku Kai (ATK) baseball team, Alameda, CA
Program for
doc Program for "An Old Kentucky Garden" (ddr-ajah-4-56)
Seventh Benefit Entertainment of the Young Peoples Epworth League. Includes ads for local businesses,