562 items
562 items

Rohwer Outpost Vol. III No. 15 (August 21, 1943) (ddr-densho-143-91)
Selected article titles: "Johnston Corrects Segregation Errors" (p. 1), "'Private Enterprise Must Stop' Says Project Head" (p. 1), "'WRA Centers Will Not be Closed,' Assures Dillon Myer" (p. 1), "43 to Board Exchange Ship" (p. 3), "Rohwer Red Cross Receives More Messages from Orient" (p. 3).

Rohwer Federated Christian Church bulletin (January 7, 1945) (ddr-densho-143-338)
Selected article titles: "Morning R.F.C.C. Worship" (p. 2), "European Refugees" (p. 3).

Rohwer Outpost Vol. VI No. 50 (June 16, 1945) (ddr-densho-143-278)
Selected article titles: "Washington Announces No More ERC for Nisei" (p. 1), "Eligibility Rules for Grants" (p. 1), "Advertise Sale of California Property in Outpost" (p. 2), "Rohwer High Teachers to Leave" (p. 4).

Rohwer Outpost Vol. V No. 12 (August 5, 1944) (ddr-densho-143-190)
Selected article titles: "Private Employment Ruling. Co-op to Handle Personal Labor" (p. 1), "School Term: Students to Pick Subjs" (p. 1), "Civics Class Tries Politics" (p. 3).

Rohwer Outpost Vol. V No. 6 (July 15, 1944) (ddr-densho-143-184)
Selected article titles: "Paper Drive" (p. 1), "War Veteran Visits Center; Says Inhabitants Friendly" (p. 1), "Latest Draft Statistics" (p. 1), "4000 Residents View Arts and Crafts Exhibit in Hall" (p. 1).

Rohwer Outpost Vol. IV No. 24 (March 25, 1944) (ddr-densho-143-151)
Selected article titles: "Nisei to Join Reserve Corps. Rohwer Inductees Will Report for Induction at Little Rock Tuesday Morning as Planned" (p. 1), "Two Years: 22,400 Relocate. Dept. of Interior Releases Annual Report" (p. 3), "Calif. Bill: Proposed Law Aims at Nisei" (p. 3).

Rohwer Outpost Vol. II No. 47 (June 12, 1943) (ddr-densho-143-69)
Selected article titles: "NYA Training Program Shelved. Early April Agreement by NYA Cancelled; 215 Nisei Affected" (p. 1), "Fair Employment Practice Order No. 9346 Issued" (p. 1), "WRA Property Survey is Taken" (p. 2), "Malaria Control" (p. 3), "Hospital Nurses are Experienced Assistants" (p. 5).

Rohwer Outpost Special Edition (December 20, 1944) (ddr-densho-143-229)
Selected article titles: "Statement on Army Team" (p. 1), "Major English Heads Group" (p. 1).

Rohwer Outpost Vol. II No. 26 Extra (April 1, 1943) (ddr-densho-143-47)
Selected article titles: "W.R.A. Pays Way. Initial Living Expenses, Train Fare Defrayed" (p. 1), "Course Shift Announced" (p. 1), "Few Changes to be Made" (p. 1).

Rohwer Outpost Vol. IV No. 29 (April 12, 1944) (ddr-densho-143-156)
Selected article titles: "Income Tax: Revenue Man to Aid Residents Tomorrow" (p. 1), "Segregation!" (p. 1), "Evacuees Must Have ID Proof" (p. 2), "Tule Lake's Segrees [Segregees] Leave Hearings Being Held" (p. 3).

Rohwer Outpost Vol. VI No. 3 (January 3, 1945) (ddr-densho-143-232)
Selected article titles: "Ickes Issues Statement to WRA Residents" (p. 1), "Procedure for Obtaining Western Defense I.D. Card" (p. 1), "Blaze Alarms Blk. 29, Fri." (p. 1), "5 To Look into Cal. Conditions" (p. 2).

Rohwer Outpost Vol. II No. 40 (May 19, 1943) (ddr-densho-143-62)
Selected article titles: "Doctors of Jerome Help" (p. 1), "Dr. Stanley Jones Climaxes Christian Mission Week" (p. 1), "Leave Plan Eased. WRA Will Permit Leaved in Advance of Job Offers" (p. 1), "New Hours for Stores Released Today" (p. 3), "Warning Issued to Picnickers" (p. 3), "Outside Life Conditions Told by Former Residents" (p. 4), "Editorials: …

Rohwer Outpost Vol. IV No. 23 (March 22, 1944) (ddr-densho-143-150)
Selected article titles: "Draftees: 54 to Report on Friday" (p. 1), "Cockroach Spray Ready for Residents" (p. 2), "Notice: Films Needed at the Tule Lake Camp" (p. 3).

Rohwer Outpost Vol. III No. 44 (December 1, 1943) (ddr-densho-143-121)
Selected article titles: "Relocation Team Coming Schedule of Meeting Set" (p. 1), "WRA to Hold Denver Meet" (p. 1), "English-Speaking Countries Guilty of Racial Prejudice" (p. 2).

Rohwer Outpost Vol. III No. 32 (October 20, 1943) (ddr-densho-143-109)
Selected article titles: "Denver Relocation. Choate to Make 3-day Visit" (p. 1), "Outside Travel Curtailed. Gasoline Use is Cut 40%" (p. 1), "New Property Head to Advise Evacuees" (p. 2), "Special Diet Checkup Continued, War-Time Food Course Added" (p. 2), "Self-Pity May Lead to Nisei Self-Destruction" (p. 3), "Editorial: Lost Faith and Proud Courage" (p. 5).

Rohwer Outpost Vol. IV No. 16 (February 26, 1944) (ddr-densho-143-143)
Selected article titles: "Jerome to be Closed by June. Residents to be Shifted to Other Centers" (p. 1), "Army Specialized Training Exams to be Given March 15th" (p. 1), "Evacuee Items Forms Asked" (p. 1), "Leaders for Resettlement in St. Louis to Speak to R.F.C.C." (p. 3), "Shortage: U.S. Reports Made on Rubber Shoes" (p. 4).

Rohwer Outpost Vol. II No. 32 (April 21, 1943) (ddr-densho-143-54)
Selected article titles: "Hospital: Clinic for Lame Held" (p. 1), "Ickes Supports J.A." (p. 1), "NMU Opens Union. 200 Nisei Seamen May Now Apply for Shipping Berths" (p. 1), "Jerome Lawyer Aids Residents" (p. 1), "17 Relocated Nisei in Michigan are 'Successes'" (p. 5), "Snake Bite Rules" (p. 5), "Caucasian Quarters Near Completion, Furnishings In" (p. …

Rohwer Outpost Vol. II No. 24 (March 24, 1943) (ddr-densho-143-44)
Selected article titles: "Center Membership Drive Nets $1488.59" (p. 1), "Resettlement Talk. Rundquist Outlines Policy of Committee, WRA Office" (p. 1), "Director May Now Issue Leave in Groups" (p. 1), "Residents May Leave in Groups" (p. 1), "Editorial: Committee On Fair Play" (p. 4).

Rohwer Outpost Vol. VI No. 21 (March 7, 1945) (ddr-densho-143-250)
Selected article titles: "Confab Makes Recommendt'ns to WRA, Myer" (p. 1), "Team Completes Center Hearings" (p. 1), "Hostel: Opening in Los Angeles" (p. 1), "No Deportation Fear for Aliens" (p. 1), "Prohibit Poultry Within Enclosures" (p. 2).

Rohwer Outpost Vol. III No. 43 (November 27, 1943) (ddr-densho-143-120)
Selected article titles: "Relocation News and Films" (p. 1), "Auto Accident Hits Rohwer" (p. 1), "Guest from Aleutians" (p. 2).

Rohwer High School Hi Lites, Vol. VI No. 9 (April 20, 1945) (ddr-densho-143-390)
Selected article titles: "Church Club Sponsors Contest" (p. 1), "Seniors' Feast to be Tonight" (p. 1), "Students Take Test" (p. 1).

Rohwer Outpost Vol. VI No. 52 (June 23, 1945) (ddr-densho-143-280)
Selected article titles: "Monument Dedication Tomorrow Morning" (p. 1), "Open Hobby-Shop Room for Boys" (p. 1), "Resettlement Assistance Grants" (p. 1), "Dark Room Man Wanted" (p. 4), "Three Workers for Pennsylvania Farm" (p. 4).

Rohwer Outpost Vol. I No. 9 (November 25, 1942) (ddr-densho-143-10)
Selected article titles: "Camera Rules Disclosed" (p. 1), "Laborers Needed by Public Works" (p. 1), "Census and Family Survey Nears Completion, States Colman" (p. 1), "Current Events Courses Held" (p. 2), "Landscaping Plan Is Organized" (p. 3), "Block Carpenters to Finish Walls" (p. 3), "Hospital Recommends Cure and Prevention of Poison Ivy" (p. 4).

Rohwer Outpost Vol. I No. 6 (November 14, 1942) (ddr-densho-143-7)
Selected article titles: "G.I. Clothing: Start Issuing Anita Clothes" (p. 1), "Concert: Present First Classic Hour" (p. 2), "Adults Sign-Up for English" (p. 2), "1900 Pupils for Elementary, Secondary Classes" (p. 3), "Names of Activities Directors for Five Districts are Announced" (p. 3), "Agriculture Program. Soy Bean May Be Grown on Land Now Being Cleared by …