562 items
562 items

Rohwer Outpost Vol. III No. 23 (September 18, 1943) (ddr-densho-143-100)
Selected article titles: "Agriculture is Successful. Case Lauds Progress of Farm; Production for '44 Optimistic" (p. 1), "Myer Issues Instruction for Care of Equipment" (p. 1), "Navy Asks for Large Camera" (p. 2), "Housing Movements Frozen Until Fumigation Finished" (p. 3), "Editorial: Relocate Wisely" (p. 6).

Rohwer Outpost Vol. IV No. 4 (January 15, 1944) (ddr-densho-143-131)
Selected article titles: "Holiday Lumberjacking Will Continue; Hauling Problem" (p. 1), "Rohwer Population Statistics Released" (p. 1), "Relocation: Two Delegates to Visit South" (p. 1).

Rohwer Outpost Vol. VI No. 27 (March 28, 1945) (ddr-densho-143-256)
Selected article titles: "Calif. Bound Coach Departing Tonight" (p. 1), "Inductee, Act. Duty Notice" (p. 1), "Vocat'n Panel Series Begins" (p. 1), "Returnee Reports on Calif." (p. 1), "Register for Short Course in Rationing" (p. 2), "Easter Pageant Will be Presented in Auditorium" (p. 3).

Rohwer High School Hi Lites, Vol. VI No. 5 (March 23, 1945) (ddr-densho-143-386)
Selected article titles: "Chinese Visitors Here" (p. 1), "School Paper Becomes Weekly" (p. 1), "Canteen Opening Delayed" (p. 1), "Faculty Foibles" (p. 3), "Orchids and Onions" (p. 3).

Rohwer Outpost Vol. V No. 4 (July 8, 1944) (ddr-densho-143-182)
Selected article titles: "Active Duty: Draftees Depart" (p. 1), "Residents Warned of California Instigators" (p. 1), "Johnston on Draft. Residents Cautioned to Comply with Regulations" (p. 1), "Seasonal Contract to Expire Upon Induction" (p. 1), "Boy Fatally Hurt by Truck" (p. 1).

Rohwer Outpost Vol. VI No. 10 (January 27, 1945) (ddr-densho-143-239)
Selected article titles: "Calif. Att'y Gen.'s Message: Asks Protection of Returning Evacuees" (p. 1), "New Barrack Added for Relocat'n Division's Use" (p. 1), "Grace Sumida Reports Opportunities in L.A." (p. 3), "Canteen Receipts of Last Year are Valid" (p. 3).

Rohwer Outpost Vol. III No. 22 (September 15, 1943) (ddr-densho-143-99)
Selected article titles: "Property Program. Walling from L.A. Discusses Plans" (p. 1), "Chicago Convention Endorses Nisei, Issei" (p. 1), "Shelby Again Invites Rohwer" (p. 2), "Gripsholm Statistics" (p. 3), "Block 7 Segregees Honored at Program" (p. 4), "'Cleveland' Hostel Aids Evacuees" (p. 6).

Rohwer Outpost Vol. I No. 1 (October 24, 1942) (ddr-densho-143-1)
Selected article titles: "Welcome to Rohwer" (p. 1), "Schools: Trice Explains Delay in Opening of Classes" (p. 1), "Activities Charted. Community Program Includes Clubs, Entertainment, Arts & Crafts" (p. 1), "Want to Vote? This is How" (p. 1), "Yours and Ours: Outpost Makes Appearance" (p. 1), "Facts, Figures on Your Duration Home" (p. 2), "Teachers Needed" …

Rohwer Outpost Vol. V No. 10 (July 29, 1944) (ddr-densho-143-188)
Selected article titles: "Storm Causes Minor Damages" (p. 1), "Head of Operations Looks Over Center" (p. 1), "442nd Regiment on Italy Front Goes for Broke" (p. 1).

Rohwer Outpost Vol. V No. 2 (July 1, 1944) (ddr-densho-143-179)
Selected article titles: "In Defense of Liberty: Fourth of July Edition" (p. 1), "Editorial: A New Birth of Freedom" (p. 2), "Vacation Plan Set. Compensatory Leave and Checking System Begin" (p. 3), "Draft Evaders Given Sentence" (p. 3), "Liberal Day Permit Arrangement to Start" (p. 3), "Parcel Regulation for Overseas Released" (p. 5).

Rohwer Outpost Vol. I No. 4 (November 7, 1942) (ddr-densho-143-4)
Selected article titles: "No Paper" (p. 1), "Distribution of Pay Starts" (p. 1), "Expansion: Canteens to Open in Block 20, 16 Next Week" (p. 1), "Self Government. Temporary Councilmen to be Voted by Residents Wednesday" (p. 1), "Release Policies on Work Classification" (p. 2), "Knock, Knock... 'Who's There?'" (p. 3), "Japanese From Lodi Section Eat Grapes …

Rohwer Outpost Vol. II No. 10 (February 3, 1943) (ddr-densho-143-29)
Selected article titles: "Do Not Drink Polluted H20" (p. 1), "Infantile Paralysis Campaign Nets $600" (p. 1), "Beet Work Meeting Held" (p. 1), "Rohwer-Style WAAC's Formed" (p. 2), "Lecture Series on Health" (p. 2), "Race for Popularity Queen Gets Under Way" (p. 3), "Editorial: Boy Scout Week" (p. 6).

Rohwer Outpost Vol. V No. 42 (November 18, 1944) (ddr-densho-143-220)
Selected article titles: "High Schoolers to Pick Co-Ed Queen" (p. 1), "U.S. Sending Mail to Japan by Air" (p. 1), "Coop Delegates to be Chosen Wednesday" (p. 2), "Evacuee Property: Services Enumerated" (p. 3).

Rohwer Outpost Vol. III No. 17 (August 28, 1943) (ddr-densho-143-93)
Selected article titles: "Cannery: Tomatoes are Being Canned" (p. 1), "Gripsholm Group" (p. 1), "Alteration of Travel Grant System Effected by WRA" (p. 1), "Efficiency Program: Wage, Hour Officially Stabilized" (p. 1), "Washington D.C. Area Encouraging. Prospects in Farm and Factory Work Good" (p. 3), "Interested Residents May Apply for Jobs" (p. 4), "Editorials: Influx Into …

Rohwer Outpost Vol. III No. 10 (August 4, 1943) (ddr-densho-143-85)
Selected article titles: "Segregation Date Announced. Repatriates to Leave on Sept. 21" (p. 1), "Notice! WRA Issues Pamphlets" (p. 1), "Outgoing Evacuees Must Carry Classification Cards" (p. 1), "For Aliens" (p. 1), "W.R.A.'s Responsibilities" (p. 1), "Farm's First Melon Crop Proves to be a Bonanza" (p. 2), "Malaria Notes" (p. 2), "Editorials: An Open Letter" (p. …

Rohwer Outpost Vol. II No. 39 (May 15, 1943) (ddr-densho-143-61)
Selected article titles: "Compensation Rules Given" (p. 1), "Camp Savage Men Here to Interview Students" (p. 1), "Center Constitution. Revised Community Formula for Government Distributed" (p. 1), "Claim Lost Goods at P.S. Hall 13" (p. 2), "Crystal City Conditions Given Favorable Comment" (p. 3), "Editorials: Large Scale Farming" (p. 6), "More Agitation?" (p. 6).

Rohwer Outpost Vol. III No. 41 (November 20, 1943) (ddr-densho-143-118)
Selected article titles: "Apprentice Training Set" (p. 1), "Resettlement News by Committee" (p. 1), "Nisei Must Have Faith" (p. 2), "Market Established to Dispose of Sake" (p. 2), "Leadership Classes to Be Held by Caucasians" (p. 3).

Rohwer Outpost Vol. IV No. 20 (March 11, 1944) (ddr-densho-143-147)
Selected article titles: "38 Draftees Pass Physical" (p. 1), "Latest Project Employment Record Totals 3119 Workers" (p. 1), "153 Centerites Relocate Last Month; Chicago, Denver Get Most" (p. 1).

Rohwer Outpost Vol. V No. 3 (July 5, 1944) (ddr-densho-143-181)
Selected article titles: "Poultry Farm Hits Record, Calls for More Manpower" (p. 1), "100th Battalion Cited for Valor" (p. 1), "Baby Show: Entrants Get Instructions" (p. 3), "Spanish Consul Spikes Rumor" (p. 3), "L.S. Forrest, New Project Attorney, Takes Over Duties" (p. 3).

Rohwer Federated Christian Church bulletin (February 25, 1945) (ddr-densho-143-343)
Selected article titles: "Morning Worship" (p. 2), "Our Nisei Conference" (p. 2).

Rohwer High School Hi Lites, Vol. VI No. 8 (April 13, 1945) (ddr-densho-143-389)
Selected article titles: "Kuder Record Taken by Students" (p. 1), "Clothes Drive to Begin" (p. 1), "Veteran Visits R.H.S." (p. 3).