11 items
11 items
1944 Resume (ddr-csujad-5-304)
A high school yearbook titled "1944 Resume." Published by the Class of 1944, Rohwer Center High School in the Rohwer incarceration camp, Arkansas. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: oki_07_09_001
Camp high school students (ddr-densho-37-553)
Original WRA caption: Rohwer Relocation Center, McGehee, Arkansas. Changing classes at the temporary high school quarters.
High school class (ddr-densho-37-538)
Original WRA caption: Rohwer Relocation Center, McGehee, Arkansas. Miss Opal Albright, teacher. Study hall. A converted mess-hall High School.
Rohwer Outpost Education Supplement (November 7, 1942) (ddr-densho-143-5)
Selected article titles: "General Rules for Center High School" (p. 1), "Assistant Teachers Appointed by Board" (p. 1), "Registration for Elementary Students" (p. 2), "A Day in High School Hour-to-Hour Schedule" (p. 2), "Complete List of High School Teachers" (p. 3), "General Regulations for Grades 7, 8 and 9" (p. 3), "Rohwer Relocation Center High School …
Camp high school brass band (ddr-densho-37-533)
Original WRA caption: Rohwer Relocation Center, McGehee, Arkansas. A part of the brass section of the High School Band, at the Rohwer Center. The students learning to play instruments for the band are former Californians, who, with their parents, were evacuated from stratiegic west coast areas.
Japanese Americans picking sports teams (ddr-densho-37-543)
Original WRA caption: Rohwer Relocation Center, McGehee, Arkansas. Dick Kunishima, Coach and former California High School Athletic Director, tears his team apart between halves of a Stockton - Santa Anita Game.
Rohwer Outpost Vol. IV No. 7 (January 26, 1944) (ddr-densho-143-134)
Selected article titles: "Registration for Aliens in Center Commences Today" (p. 1), "Workshop Building Being Constructed for High School" (p. 1), "Reinstitute Draft. Selective Service for Nisei" (p. 1), "Rohwer U.S.O. Elects Heads" (p. 3), "Questions and Answers About Selective Service" (p. 5).
High school band members (ddr-densho-37-539)
Original WRA caption: Rohwer Relocation Center, McGehee, Arkansas. A snare drum section of the high school band, in a practice session at the school band room. Most of the student band members are playing instuments for the first time, and the band is fast becoming a matter of much pride among center residents, former west coast …
Tulean Dispatch Vol. 5 No. 89 (July 2, 1943) (ddr-densho-65-242)
Selected article titles: "Special Shoe Stamps Good For 30 Days Only" (p. 1), "No Visiting Team Coming" (p. 1), "Residents Not to Bring Scrip Covers With Stubs" (p. 1), "Exchange of Civilians With Japan Expected" (p. 1), "Relocation Grants Will Still Be Given -- Huycke" (p. 1), "Relocation Grants Will Still Be Given -- Huycke" (p. …
Narrator Marian Shingu Sata
Nisei female. Born August 31, 1935, in Los Angeles, California. Grew up in Gardena, where father was a prominent community leader and principal of the Japanese language school. During World War II, removed with family to the Stockton Assembly Center, California, and the Rohwer concentration camp, Arkansas. Left camp along with a group of Japanese American …
Marian Shingu Sata Interview (ddr-densho-1000-262)
Nisei female. Born August 31, 1935, in Los Angeles, California. Grew up in Gardena, where father was a prominent community leader and principal of the Japanese language school. During World War II, removed with family to the Stockton Assembly Center, California, and the Rohwer concentration camp, Arkansas. Left camp along with a group of Japanese American …