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16 items
Speech by James O. Richardson (ddr-njpa-1-1707)
doc Speech by James O. Richardson (ddr-njpa-1-1707)
Article title: "Copy of remarks deliverd by Admiral J. O. Richardson, U.S.N., upon his relief from command of the U.S. Fleet, 1 February, 1941."
May Richardson (ddr-njpa-1-1702)
img May Richardson (ddr-njpa-1-1702)
Caption on reverse: "Joins husband: Mrs. James O. Richardson, wife of Admiral Richardson, commander-in-chief of the U.S. fleet, was among the arrivals on the Lurline this morning. She is here to join her husband. Nippu Jiji photo."
Charles Edison and Admiral James Richardson observing exercises (ddr-njpa-1-248)
img Charles Edison and Admiral James Richardson observing exercises (ddr-njpa-1-248)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "US Navy Large Exercises Celebrated. (San Pedro, California) Domei. Several hundred ships and 50,000 men have been mobilized for the unprecedented Pacific exercises which began at last on April 2. Photograph: Secretary of the Navy Charles Edison (left) and Admiral James Richardson observing the exercises from the deck of the flagship Pennsylvania. …
Newspaper clipping regarding Husband E. Kimmel (ddr-njpa-1-791)
doc Newspaper clipping regarding Husband E. Kimmel (ddr-njpa-1-791)
Caption on front: "New fleet chief: Rear Admiral H.E. Kimmel, top, was named today in supreme command of the United States fleet to succeed Admiral James O. Richardson (at the right below), who goes to Washington for special duty. Below, left, Rear Admiral Ernest King, who becomes commander in chief of the Atlantic fleet. In center, …
James L. Coke attending a dinner with Admiral James O. Richardson and Japanese dignitaries (ddr-njpa-2-160)
img James L. Coke attending a dinner with Admiral James O. Richardson and Japanese dignitaries (ddr-njpa-2-160)
Caption on reverse: "ADMIRAL ATTENDS DINNER: The dinner celebrating the arrival of the Nitta Maru here yesterday on her maiden trip and held aboard the ship last night was honored by the presence of many notables including Admiral James O. Richardson, commander-in-chief of the U.S. fleet (with back toward camera). Others in the above picture are …
Husband E. Kimmel (ddr-njpa-1-786)
img Husband E. Kimmel (ddr-njpa-1-786)
Caption on reverse: "New commander in chief: Rear Admiral H.E. Kimmel who will succeed Admiral James O. Richardson as commander in chief of the U.S. fleet on February 1. Upon taking over his new duties, Rear Admiral Kimmel will assume the rank of a full admiral. - Nippu Jiji photo.
Newspaper clipping regarding Husband E. Kimmel (ddr-njpa-1-790)
doc Newspaper clipping regarding Husband E. Kimmel (ddr-njpa-1-790)
Caption on front: "Navy gets new cincus: Admiral H.E. Kimmel, who became the new commander-in-chief of the US fleet, is shown in the top panel while the ceremony in which he took over this command today is shown in the lower panel. Admiral Kimmel succeeds Admiral James O. Richardson. - Nippu Jiji photos."
Frank Knox in Hawai'i (ddr-njpa-1-766)
img Frank Knox in Hawai'i (ddr-njpa-1-766)
Caption on reverse: "Navy secretary calls: Arriving here last evening on board a four-motored navy patrol bomber from San Francisco, Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox was received this morning by the territorial, naval and army officials. At 9:25 a.m. today, Knox made an official call on Governor Poindexter at Iolani palace and was later given …