6 items
6 items

Article regarding Theodore Richards and Friend Peace scholarship recipient (ddr-njpa-2-1104)
Article title: "Dr. Richards Still Believes In Peace Scholarship Value"

Short article regarding Dr. and Mrs. Theodore Richards (ddr-njpa-2-1100)
Article title: "Local Donors To Attend Opening Of Hawaii Center"

Theodore Richards, Walter F. Frear and others celebrating Richards' 80th birthday (ddr-njpa-2-1105)
Caption on reverse: "KAMAAINAS HONOR DR. RICHARDS AT BIRTHDAY TEA: Dr. Theodore Richards, who is observing his 80th birthday today, was honored at an international tea yesterday afternoon at the Waioli Tea Room. Above are some of Dr. Richards' old friends, all 80 years old or above, who attended the celebration. Left to right, they are: …

Article regarding Theodore Richards and dedication of the Friend Peace House in Kyoto (ddr-njpa-2-1103)
Article title: "Four-Day Friend Peace Program Is Held At Doshisha"; Article sub-heading: "25th Year of Scholarship and Dedication of House Celebrated"