3 items
3 items
Inspection card (ddr-densho-493-13)
Surgeon's inspection card for Buichiro Itabashi's journey on the S.S. Shinano from Kobe, Japan, to Seattle, Washington, U.S.A. . Itabashi's name appears misspelled on the card. Front of card reads: "INSPECTION CARD / (Immigrants and Steerage Passengers)." Filled portion of card reads: "Port of departure, Kobe, Japan. Date of departure, JUL 26th 1902 / Name of …
Nine Japs Held in Blast Probe (March 9, 1942) (ddr-densho-56-677)
The Seattle Daily Times, March 9, 1942, p. 2
Issei woman in front of a house (ddr-densho-154-6)
Photo donor's grandmother, Itsuyo Nakagawa. Her husband worked in a sawmill.