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9472 items
Herbert Hoover on a fishing trip with Lawrence Richey (ddr-njpa-1-613)
img Herbert Hoover on a fishing trip with Lawrence Richey (ddr-njpa-1-613)
"Caption on reverse [translation]: "(New York) Domei. Former US President Herbert Hoover and his former secretary Lawrence Richey departed on a fishing trip, away from the pressures of governing. The two enjoyed spending their day talking about fishing, far from politics. Photographs: 1. Secretary Richey uses his hands to show the size of a wonderful fish …
Paul von Hindenburg walking with his grandchildren (ddr-njpa-1-689)
img Paul von Hindenburg walking with his grandchildren (ddr-njpa-1-689)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "President Hinbenburg Takes Leisurely Walk Ahead of the Election. (Berlin) Rengo. German President Marshall Von Hindenburg, who lost his good luck and unfortunately did not obtain an absolute majority in the German presidential election held on the 13th, enjoys his sole daily pleasure: walking leisurely with his grandchildren in inner garden at …
Newspaper clipping regarding Husband E. Kimmel (ddr-njpa-1-790)
doc Newspaper clipping regarding Husband E. Kimmel (ddr-njpa-1-790)
Caption on front: "Navy gets new cincus: Admiral H.E. Kimmel, who became the new commander-in-chief of the US fleet, is shown in the top panel while the ceremony in which he took over this command today is shown in the lower panel. Admiral Kimmel succeeds Admiral James O. Richardson. - Nippu Jiji photos."
Galeazzo Ciano with Otto Meissner and other Nazi leaders (ddr-njpa-1-64)
img Galeazzo Ciano with Otto Meissner and other Nazi leaders (ddr-njpa-1-64)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "(Berlin) Domei. Foreign Minister Ciano leaving the Reich Chancellery after an important meeting with Fuhrer Hitler on July 7. To his left is Dr. [Otto] Meissner. [stamped] August [illegible], 1940."
Joe Louis vs. Max Schmeling (ddr-njpa-1-1196)
img Joe Louis vs. Max Schmeling (ddr-njpa-1-1196)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "(New York) Domei. Pre-match expectations were undone in the Schmeling-Louis world heavyweight championship match which drew the attention of the world when rather than the expected Schmeling victory, 'Brown Bomber' Louis delivered a crushing defeat via technical knockout a mere two minutes, four seconds into the match. Photograph: Schmeling grabs the ropes …
Christian de Castries being interviewed after release from the Red Prison (ddr-njpa-1-215)
img Christian de Castries being interviewed after release from the Red Prison (ddr-njpa-1-215)
Caption on reverse: "Watch your credit - International News Photo Hanoi, Indo-China . . . . Deen commander returns . . . . . . General de Castries, French commander of fallen Dienbienphu [sic] talking with newsmen after his return to Hanoi from Red Prison. During interview he said quote I am hard to kill and …
img Charles "Buddy" Rogers and Mary Pickford after marrying (ddr-njpa-1-1130)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Domei Photographic Overseas News July 17, 1937. Mary Pickford, Secretly Married. (Hollywood) Domei. Mary Pickford, who surprised the world with her divorce from Douglas Fairbanks, secretly held a wedding ceremony with her fiance Charles Rogers at the Lighton home on June 26. It was an extremely meager event for 'America's Sweetheart,' with …
Winston Churchill shaking hands with Mamoru Shigemitsu (ddr-njpa-1-83)
img Winston Churchill shaking hands with Mamoru Shigemitsu (ddr-njpa-1-83)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Ambasador to Britain [Mamoru] Shigemitsu invited influential members of the British political world to a luncheon at the Japanese London Embassy on May 18. Prime Minister Churchill was one of those in attendance. Photograph: Prime Minister Churchill being seen off by Ambassador Shigemitsu as he leaves the embassy. This was the second …
Adolf Hitler shaking hands with Francisco Franco (ddr-njpa-1-655)
img Adolf Hitler shaking hands with Francisco Franco (ddr-njpa-1-655)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Leaders of Germany and Spain Meet. (Berlin) Domei. Fuhrer Hitler (right) and General Franco (to his left) meet on July 23 near the Franco-Spanish border to plan for the new European order. (Foreign A). [Stamped] November 28, 1940."
Newspaper clipping regarding Engelbert Dollfuss (ddr-njpa-1-214)
doc Newspaper clipping regarding Engelbert Dollfuss (ddr-njpa-1-214)
Caption on front: "The Austrian Chancellor tells the nation that he has been saved from an assassin's bullets: Dr. Engelbert Dollfuss, from his apartment in Vienna, broadcasts a message after he had been shot in the arm in the Austrian Parliament buildings in Vienna. Behind stands his wife. (Times Wide World Photos, London Bureau)."
Charlie Chaplin and Paulette Goddard (ddr-njpa-1-507)
img Charlie Chaplin and Paulette Goddard (ddr-njpa-1-507)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Hollywood Pictorial Romance. (Hollywood) Domei. If you're wondering how the romance between Charlie Chaplin and Ms. Paulette Goddard, one of the great romances of not just in Hollywood but in the entire world, is proceeding, it's going fine. The two [illegible] walking the world together and openly go to dinner and the …
Dr. Harvey S. Hardman and Mrs. Hardman arriving in Hawai'i (ddr-njpa-1-555)
img Dr. Harvey S. Hardman and Mrs. Hardman arriving in Hawai'i (ddr-njpa-1-555)
Caption on reverse: "Mental science lecturer: Above are Dr. Harvey S. Hardman, president of the Mental Science Institute of Denver, Colo., and Mrs. Hardman. Dr. Hardman arrived here Wednesday night aboard the President Wilson after a three-month visit in Japan, and was met here by Mrs. Hardman who reached Honolulu by plane Tuesday evening from the …
Newspaper clipping regarding Louis Johnson (ddr-njpa-1-571)
img Newspaper clipping regarding Louis Johnson (ddr-njpa-1-571)
Caption on front: "Louis Johnson. At the beach. Nina Lean - Time."
Newspaper clipping regarding Herbert Hoover (ddr-njpa-1-609)
doc Newspaper clipping regarding Herbert Hoover (ddr-njpa-1-609)
Caption on reverse: "The former President visits Iowa: Herbert Hoover makes friends with an Irish Terrier puppy at the home of Harrison E. Spangler, Republican National Committeeman for Iowa, at Cedar Rapids. (Times Wide World Photos).
Newspaper clipping regarding Henry Ford (ddr-njpa-1-368)
doc Newspaper clipping regarding Henry Ford (ddr-njpa-1-368)
Caption on front: "A famous American receives one of the highest honors of the Italian government: Henry Ford is presented with the Cross of Grand Officer of the Crown of Italy by Count Ugo Berni Canani, Italian Vice Consul to Detroit. (Times Wide World Photos, Detroit Bureau.)"
Clipping regarding Maxim Litvinov (ddr-njpa-1-1232)
img Clipping regarding Maxim Litvinov (ddr-njpa-1-1232)
Caption on front: "On the sixteenth anniversary of the Soviet its representative comes to America: Maxim Litvinov gets his first view of the new world from the deck of the Berengaria, on which he traveled from Europe to his meeting with President Roosevelt. (Times Wide World Photos.)"
The body of Paul von Hindenburg, guarded by Nazi soldiers (ddr-njpa-1-681)
img The body of Paul von Hindenburg, guarded by Nazi soldiers (ddr-njpa-1-681)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "President Von Hindenburg Dies at Home in Neudeck. (Berlin) Rengo. German President Von Hindenburg quietly passed at his estate of Neudeck, which was given to him by all of the German people, ending his historical life."
Helen Jacobs awarded a trophy (ddr-njpa-1-719)
img Helen Jacobs awarded a trophy (ddr-njpa-1-719)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Helen Jacobs. Three-time Consecutive US Women's Tennis Champion. (Forest Hills, Long Island) Rengo. Helen Jacobs, who had defeated Helen Moody, 'the Queen of Women's Tennis', and preserved her two-year streak as US women's tennis champion, defeated Sarah Palfrey of Brooklyn in this years finals held here with scores of 6-1 and 6-4. …
Ron Koda taking a photograph at Lake Sequoia (ddr-densho-336-38)
img Ron Koda taking a photograph at Lake Sequoia (ddr-densho-336-38)
Ron Koda taking a photograph at the 1946 Lake Sequoia Retreat summer camp.
Three campers sitting on the side of a road (ddr-densho-336-14)
img Three campers sitting on the side of a road (ddr-densho-336-14)
Campers at the 1946 Lake Sequoia Retreat summer camp. Louise Hiyakawa in the middle.
Amy Nagata sitting on a boulder (ddr-densho-336-17)
img Amy Nagata sitting on a boulder (ddr-densho-336-17)
Amy Nagata at the 1946 Lake Sequoia Retreat summer camp.
Masashi Mutt Osato rowing (ddr-densho-336-45)
img Masashi Mutt Osato rowing (ddr-densho-336-45)
Masashi Mutt Osato at the 1946 Lake Sequoia Retreat summer camp.
Amy Nagata standing on a boulder (ddr-densho-336-18)
img Amy Nagata standing on a boulder (ddr-densho-336-18)
Amy Nagata at the 1946 Lake Sequoia Retreat summer camp.