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9472 items
Honolulu Fire Chief and his wife posing with leis (ddr-njpa-2-76)
img Honolulu Fire Chief and his wife posing with leis (ddr-njpa-2-76)
Caption on news clipping: "TO FIRE CHIEFS MEET: Honolulu Fire Chief William Blaisdell, accompanied by Mrs. Blaisdell, left via Pan American Airways for San Francisco Friday night of last week enroute to attend the International Association of Fire Chiefs convention at Grand Rapids, Michigan. He carries an invitation to the organization to hold its 1960 convention …
George Barati (ddr-njpa-2-52)
img George Barati (ddr-njpa-2-52)
Caption on reverse: "CONDUCTOR RETURNING: George Barati will return to the islands tonight (Friday) by United Air Lines for his fourth season as conductor of the Honolulu Symphony Orchestra. Mr. Barati has been on the mainland for the past three months interviewing musicians, guest conducting at the Watergate Theater in Washington, D. C., studying and composing …
G. Kenneth Hikogawa polishing grease-wood (ddr-fom-1-884)
img G. Kenneth Hikogawa polishing grease-wood (ddr-fom-1-884)
WRA caption on reverse: "Polishing 'grease-wood' to make furniture." G. Kenneth Hikogawa was a carpenter from Tacoma, Washington.
G. Kenneth Hikogawa polishing grease-wood (ddr-fom-1-885)
img G. Kenneth Hikogawa polishing grease-wood (ddr-fom-1-885)
WRA caption on reverse: "Polishing 'grease-wood' to make furniture." G. Kenneth Hikogawa was a carpenter from Tacoma, Washington.
G. Kenneth Hikogawa polishing grease-wood (ddr-fom-1-886)
img G. Kenneth Hikogawa polishing grease-wood (ddr-fom-1-886)
WRA caption on reverse: "Polishing 'grease-wood' to make furniture." G. Kenneth Hikogawa was a carpenter from Tacoma, Washington.
Family Portrait (ddr-hmwf-1-635)
img Family Portrait (ddr-hmwf-1-635)
"Aug 11-1944, l8 f4.5 1/25 SuperpanPress D76-40' G3" as described on back, man in uniform with wife and son
Woman Posing (ddr-hmwf-1-429)
img Woman Posing (ddr-hmwf-1-429)
"Michiko Yamada at depot, Dec 30-1944, f9 1/25 PlusX, DK20-47' D76-15' " as described on back