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9472 items
Japanese Americans waiting to register for mass removal (ddr-densho-151-239)
img Japanese Americans waiting to register for mass removal (ddr-densho-151-239)
Original caption: Byron, California. Laborers of Japanese ancestry from a large-scale asparagus ranch are at the Wartime Civil Control Administration station awaiting their return to be interviewed prior to evacuation.
Japanese American family waiting for bus (ddr-densho-151-329)
img Japanese American family waiting for bus (ddr-densho-151-329)
Original caption: Oakland, California. Evacuee family of Japanese ancestry leaving Wartime Civil Control Administration station to board a bus which will take them to Tanforan Assembly center.
View of barracks (ddr-densho-151-346)
img View of barracks (ddr-densho-151-346)
Original caption: San Bruno, California. Shown here is one type of barracks for family use. These were formerly the stalls for race horses. Each family is assigned to two small rooms, the inner one with no outside door nor window. The center has been in operation for about six weeks. 8,000 evacuees are now assembled here.
Young Japanese Americans playing (ddr-densho-151-377)
img Young Japanese Americans playing (ddr-densho-151-377)
Original caption: Manzanar Relocation Center, Manzanar, California. Young evacuees of Japanese ancestry at this War Relocation Authority center.
Japanese Americans arriving to Stockton (ddr-densho-151-248)
img Japanese Americans arriving to Stockton (ddr-densho-151-248)
Original caption: Stockton, California. People of Japanese ancestry from the Lodi grape-producing district. Their identification numbers and family groups are checked by officials as they leave the buses. They are then directed to the place where their baggage is checked for contraband; medically examined, and assigned to their place in the barracks.
Japanese American in front of barracks home (ddr-densho-151-47)
img Japanese American in front of barracks home (ddr-densho-151-47)
Original WRA caption: San Bruno, Calfiornia. This assembly center has been opened for two days. Busload after busload of evacuated Japanese are arriving this day. After going through the necessary procedures, they are guided to the quarters assigned to them in the barracks. This family newly arrived, are in the process of settling down. The old …
Grandfather waiting for bus (ddr-densho-151-46)
img Grandfather waiting for bus (ddr-densho-151-46)
Original WRA caption: Hayward, California. Grandfather of Japanese ancestry waiting at local park for the arrival of evacuation bus which will take him and other evacuees to the Tanforan Assembly Center. He was engaged in the cleaning and Dyeing business in Hayward for many years.
Family inside barracks (ddr-densho-151-416)
img Family inside barracks (ddr-densho-151-416)
Original caption: Manzanar Relocation Center, Manzanar, California. A typical interior scene in one of the barrack apartments at this center. Note the cloth partition which lends a small amount of privacy.
Farmer preparing for mass removal (ddr-densho-151-269)
img Farmer preparing for mass removal (ddr-densho-151-269)
Original caption: Woodland, California. Tenant farmer of Japanese ancestry who has just completed settlement of their affairs and everything is packed ready for evacuation on the following morning to an assembly center.
Japanese Americans taking English language class (ddr-densho-151-406)
img Japanese Americans taking English language class (ddr-densho-151-406)
Original caption: Manzanar Relocation Center, Manzanar, California. Part of a class under the Adult Education Program at this War Relocation Authority center. It is composed of Issei and Kibei evacuees who are studying the Ideals of American Citizenship and the English language with which they are unfamiliar. There are 18 such classes, each averaging 20 volunteer …
New arrivals at the Turlock Assembly Center (ddr-densho-151-16)
img New arrivals at the Turlock Assembly Center (ddr-densho-151-16)
Original WRA caption: Turlock, California. Arrivals at Assembly center on their way to their new quarters. Evacuees of Japanese ancestry will be transferred later from assembly centers to War Relocation Authority centers where they will spend the duration.
Japanese Americans registering for mass removal (ddr-densho-151-133)
img Japanese Americans registering for mass removal (ddr-densho-151-133)
Original caption: San Francisco, California. The residents of Japanese ancestry appear at 2031 Bush Street for information on evacuation. Evacuees will be housed in War Relocation Authority centers for the duration.
Japanese Americans boarding bus (ddr-densho-151-207)
img Japanese Americans boarding bus (ddr-densho-151-207)
Original caption: Centerville, California. Members of farm family board evacuation bus. Evacuees of Japanese ancestry will be housed in War Relocation Authority centers for the duration.
Two friends at lunchtime (ddr-densho-151-96)
img Two friends at lunchtime (ddr-densho-151-96)
Original caption: San Francisco, California. Lunch hour at the Raphael Weill Public School, Geary and Buchanan Streets. Children of Japanese ancestry were evacuated with their parents to spend the duration in War Relocation Authority centers where educational facilities will be established.
Mother and children outside of barracks (ddr-densho-151-258)
img Mother and children outside of barracks (ddr-densho-151-258)
Original caption: Stockton, California. This family of Japanese ancestry has just arrived in the center this morning. The mother and the children are waiting at the door of the room in the barracks to which they have been assigned. The father is at the baggage depot where their bedding and clothing are unloaded and inspected for …
Japanese American nurse in medical clinic (ddr-densho-151-351)
img Japanese American nurse in medical clinic (ddr-densho-151-351)
Original caption: San Bruno, California. An evacuee nurse of Japanese ancestry tidying up after a busy morning in the medical clinic at this assembly center.
Family transplanting tomato plants (ddr-densho-151-448)
img Family transplanting tomato plants (ddr-densho-151-448)
Original caption: San Leandro, California. Family labor transplanting young tomato plants under canvas about ten days prior to evacuation of residents of Japanese ancestry to Assembly Centers.
Family waiting with baggage (ddr-densho-151-198)
img Family waiting with baggage (ddr-densho-151-198)
Original caption: Centerville, California. A farming family awaits evacuation bus. Farmers an other evacuees of Japanese ancestry will be given opportunities to follow their callings at War Relocation Authority centers where they will spend the duration.
Mess hall (ddr-densho-151-433)
img Mess hall (ddr-densho-151-433)
Original caption: Manzanar Relocation Center, Manzanar, California. Messhall #16 at this War Relocation Authority center for evacuees of Japanese ancestry. An evacuee of 290 persons are fed three meals a day in each messhall, and all work is done by the evacuees themselves.
Issei farmers returning to work (ddr-densho-151-240)
img Issei farmers returning to work (ddr-densho-151-240)
Original caption: Byron, California. Laborers of Japanese ancestry are returning to large-scale asparagus ranch after interview at Wartime Civil Control Administration station regarding their evacuation which is due in three days.
Japanese Americans arriving at Tanforan (ddr-densho-151-159)
img Japanese Americans arriving at Tanforan (ddr-densho-151-159)
Original caption: San Bruno, California. Families of Japanese ancestry arrive at assembly center at Tanforan Race Track. Evacuees will be transferred later to War Relocation Authority centers where they will be housed for the duration.
Family walking to barracks (ddr-densho-151-284)
img Family walking to barracks (ddr-densho-151-284)
Original caption: Sacramento, California. Another family of Japanese ancestry has just arrived at this Center by bus. Their baggage has been inspected for contraband and they have been registered, medically examined and are now being escorted by a volunteer guide to their assigned location in the barracks.
Students studying in shade (ddr-densho-151-365)
img Students studying in shade (ddr-densho-151-365)
Original caption: Manzanar Relocation Center, Manzanar, California. An elementary school with voluntary attendance has been established with volunteer evacuee teachers, most of whom are college graduates. No school equipment is as yet obtainable and available tables and benches are used. However, classes are often held in the shade of the barrack building.
Nisei girls waiting for bus (ddr-densho-151-184)
img Nisei girls waiting for bus (ddr-densho-151-184)
Original caption: Centerville, California. School girls await evacuation bus. Evacuees of Japanese ancestry will be housed in War Relocation Authority centers for the duration.
Assembly center gate (ddr-densho-151-56)
img Assembly center gate (ddr-densho-151-56)
Original WRA caption: San Bruno, California. A sign at the main entrance of the Tanforan Assembly center, through which all traffic passes. The gate is guarded and controlled by United States soldiers.