135 items
135 items

Hold your breath! (ddr-csujad-56-139)
Photo of x-ray technician and x-ray machine. Photo provided by Tak Kameoka. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: nbea08-02-006

Aerial view of the Jerome concentration camp (ddr-densho-37-630)
Original WRA caption: Jerome Relocation Center, Denson, Arkansas. A view of the west section of the hospital.

Hospital building (ddr-densho-37-805)
Original WRA caption: Jerome Relocation Center, Denson, Arkansas. One of the hospital wings showing the heating plant area. One wing is in use and the other is under construction.

Modified barracks (ddr-densho-37-774)
Original WRA caption: Granada Relocation Center, Amache, Colorado. A typical barracks building resident of the first apartment has constructed, with scrap lumber, a storm porch and added a touch with mock shutters at the windows.

Japanese Americans purchasing camp newspaper (ddr-densho-37-458)
Original WRA caption: Heart Mountain Relocation Center, Heart Mountain, Wyoming. Customers line up at the counter as the Sentinel, Heart Mountain Relocation Center 8 page tabloid newspaper is delivered. Center news and views found in the Sentinel pages is enthusiastically accepted by center residents of Japanese ancestry, evcauated from west coast defense areas.

Camp soap factory (ddr-densho-37-610)
Original WRA caption: Jerome Relocation Center, Denson, Arkansas. At the Jerome Relocation Center, where some 8,000 west coast residents of Japanese ancestry now reside, Mr. K. Oyama, former California cosmetics manufacturer, set up a soap factory in a corner of a school block laundry, rendering the waste meat fats from the center kitchens. This factory has …

Camp high school brass band (ddr-densho-37-533)
Original WRA caption: Rohwer Relocation Center, McGehee, Arkansas. A part of the brass section of the High School Band, at the Rohwer Center. The students learning to play instruments for the band are former Californians, who, with their parents, were evacuated from stratiegic west coast areas.

Heart Mountain concentration camp, Wyoming (ddr-densho-37-795)
Original WRA caption: Heart Mountain Relocation Center, Heart Mountain, Wyoming. "Symbolic Heart Mountain towers at the end of "F" Street, the main thoroughfare of the Heart Mountain Relocation Center."

High school dance orchestra (ddr-densho-37-505)
Original WRA caption: Granada Relocation Center, Amache, Colorado. The High School dance orchestra at the Granada Relocation Center at Amache, Colorado.

Japanese American playing golf (ddr-densho-37-464)
Original WRA caption: Topaz, Utah. This former California tournament runner-up keeps his golf form by first preparing a short course and then spending all his spare time with his irons and putting clubs.

Japanese American dragline operator (ddr-densho-37-530)
Original WRA caption: Rohwer Relocation Center, McGehee, Arkansas. Larry Sato, a former southern California dragline operator, back at his old trade on a dragline at the Rohwer Relocation Center. The task of maintaining the center and its facilities, and distribution of fuel, food supplies, etc., is carried on by workers recruited from center residents, former west …

Construction of barracks (ddr-densho-37-524)
Original WRA caption: Granada Relocation Center, Amache, Colorado. Contractor's workmen roofing the assembled barracks unit.

Meal in a mess hall (ddr-densho-37-525)
Original WRA caption: Granada Relocation Center, Amache, Colorado. A group of residents loll over their evening meal.

Japanese American mechanics (ddr-densho-37-570)
Original WRA caption: Topaz, Utah. Keeping well warm motor equipment running is a problem confronting these two Nisei volunteer mechanics, at the Topaz Relocation Center.

Japanese Americans clearing land (ddr-densho-37-832)
Original WRA caption: Rohwer Relocation Center, McGehee, Arkansas. Farm workers felling a big Arkansas Red Oak, in the process of clearing reclaimed Arkansas Iand for agricultural purposes. Workers, for this and other center farm activities, are recruited from residents, former west coast persons of Japanese ancestry.

Japanese American children in the rain (ddr-densho-37-628)
Original WRA caption: Jerome Relocation Center, Denson, Arkansas. One umbrella wasn't enough for these lads of Japanese ancestry, who formerly lived in west coast areas. The rainy season, in Arkansas, makes the relocation center one vast guagmire.

Child standing between barracks (ddr-densho-37-777)
Original WRA caption: Granada Relocation Center, Amache, Colorado. It is a long time between meals at the mess hall for a hungry man, so the cracker box at the Kobayashi barracks gets a frequent raiding.

Camp warehouses (ddr-densho-37-552)
Original WRA caption: Rohwer Relocation Center, McGehee, Arkansas. A view of the warehouse area at this relocation center.

Japanese American making jewelry (ddr-densho-37-547)
Original WRA caption: Rohwer Relocation Center, McGehee, Arkansas. Among the unusual hobbies to be found in the relocation center, whose residents are former west coast persons of Japanese ancestry, is this former Californian's semi-precious stone cutting. He has prepared much interesting jewelry from bits of unusual stone picked up on the center grounds.

Art class (ddr-densho-37-509)
Original WRA caption: Granada Relocation Center, Amache, Colorado. An adult art class under the direction of Tokio Ueyama, working in pencil sketch charcoals and oils. Adult art classes are extremely popular at the Amache Center.

Aerial view of Topaz concentration camp (ddr-densho-37-431)
Original WRA caption: Topaz, Utah. A general view of a section of east end of the Topaz Relocation Center.

Judo class (ddr-densho-37-545)
Original WRA caption: Rohwer Relocation Center, McGehee, Arkansas. A Judo class at this relocation area. Classes are held every afternoon and evening.

Japanese Americans landscaping (ddr-densho-37-558)
Original WRA caption: Topaz, Utah. To soften the general atmosphere at the hospital at the Topaz Relocation Center, these volunteer workers are preparing to move a tree to be transplanted near the hospital grounds.

Aerial view of the Jerome concentration camp (ddr-densho-37-629)
Original WRA caption: Jerome Relocation Center, Denson, Arkansas. A section of the center looking west.

Camp kitchen crew (ddr-densho-37-619)
Original WRA caption: Jerome Relocation Center, Denson, Arkansas. The Block 7 kitchen crew pauses for a picture in the early afternoon.