5 items
5 items
Receipt (ddr-csujad-42-90)
A receipt issued by Railway Express Agency. One trunk, one box, and four containers were shipped from Florence Parker of Los Angeles, California to Istuhei and Tomoye Takano incarcerated at the Gila River camp in Arizona. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: tak_01_45_001
Narrator Hisaye Yamamoto
Nisei female. Born August 23, 1921, in Redondo Beach, California. Raised in California before mass removal to Parker Dam Assembly Center, Arizona, which was later converted into Poston concentration camp. An aspiring writer, worked for the camp newspaper, the Poston Chronicle, while incarcerated. After leaving camp, returned to California and worked for the Los Angeles Tribune. …
Letter from George Yoshioka to Rev. [Wendell L.] Miller, [September 11, 1942] (ddr-csujad-20-6)
Personal letter written from Santa Anita Assembly Center. Yoshioka discusses the start of "movement to Relocation Centers," naming Parker Dam; Wyoming; Granada, Colorado; Arkansas; and Gila, Arizona, along with locations from which people are being removed, including San Diego, Los Angeles, Hollywood, Long Beach, and other Southern California locations. He also mentions that his family has …
Mitzi Naohara photo album (ddr-csujad-38-163)
A photo album compiled by Mitzi Masukawa Naohara. Contained are photographs mainly taken during the war, depicting lives at the Poston camp in Arizona, where the Masukasa family was incarcerated. Mitzi was a preschool teacher at the Poston camp, and photographs of the children incarcerated at the camp are included. She also belonged to a young …
Hisaye Yamamoto Interview (ddr-densho-1002-10)
Nisei female. Born August 23, 1921, in Redondo Beach, California. Raised in California before mass removal to Parker Dam Assembly Center, Arizona, which was later converted into Poston concentration camp. An aspiring writer, worked for the camp newspaper, the Poston Chronicle, while incarcerated. After leaving camp, returned to California and worked for the Los Angeles Tribune. …