2 items

The Mayeda family (ddr-densho-477-244)
Back row from left to right: Jack, Ben, and Buck. Middle row left to right: Ruth (Mayeda) Kiyono, Genpei Mayeda, Kaneyo (Takabayashi) Mayeda, and Edna (Mayeda) Nakahara. Front row from left to right: Mary Mayeda and Jimmy. The caption below the photo reads "Family Friends - the Mayeda's Othello, WA. Mr. & Mrs. Mayeda from Okayama, …

Visiting Mayedas (ddr-densho-477-261)
Photograph of the Isoshima family visiting the Mayeda family. From left to right, Glenn Isoshima, Mary Mayeda, Naomi Isoshima, Susan Isoshima, and Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima. The caption next to the photo reads "Vacationing in Othello, Wash. At the Mayeda's 1953" in black ink.