14 items
14 items

Five adults and a child in open touring car (ddr-ajah-6-958)
Caption below photo: Seated at right are Sadaichi "Sam" Ota and his wife, Asano, of the Morgan Hill/San Jose area of California. They are Lee Ota's parents. Lee would marry Saitaro "Cy" Towata of Alameda, CA. Born in 1876, Sadaichi was a gardener and died in 1967. Asano was born in 1891 and died in 1973. …

Tule Lake orchestra (ddr-csujad-55-2212)
Black and white photograph of the Tule Lake orchestra at Tule Lake incarceration camp. Pictured from left to right (front row): Terry Irakawa, Shizu Ishida, R. Ishiyami, Emi Matsumoto, Mr. A. Umemoto (conductor), Yuichi Takahashi, Sachi Matsui, Miya Nagata, Ruth Temmu, Grace Matsuda. Second row: Shichio Nishida, Hayashi, Hayuo Motoyama, Hamachi, Richard Tanaka, Morioka, Tom Matsuda, …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 70, No. 5 (February 6, 1970) (ddr-pc-42-5)
Selected article titles: "Seats limited for Matsunaga talk" (p. 1), "'Project Reading' to be emphasized, ethnic studies also planned in Fowler" (p. 1), "School supplies and craft material needed for shipment to U.S. Indians" (p. 1), "Industrial security act passes 274-65" (p. 1), "JACL pursues justice on Dr. Noguchi case" (p. 1), "Parents held responsible for …

Personality cards (ddr-csujad-26-37)
Journal entries written by high school students discussing their observations and perspectives on a variety of topics including classes, class discussions, grades, exams, homework and studying, school activities, graduation, social events, carnival fundraiser for yearbook, and complaints about school conditions. Each entry includes the full date and student name. The entries were part of a class …

Personality cards (ddr-csujad-26-43)
Journal entries written by high school students discussing their observations and perspectives on a variety of topics including family interactions, memories, homesickness, friendships, social interactions, school, self-reflection, juvenile delinquency, peer behaviors, death, religion, opinions, and worldviews. Each entry includes the full date and student name. The entries were part of a class assignment and collected for …

Personality cards (ddr-csujad-26-44)
Journal entries written by high school students discussing their observations and perspectives on a variety of topics including social and cultural differences, personality conflicts, friendships, social interactions, school, dogs, memories, reflections on camp life, weather, a friend in the military visiting his parents in camp, hobbies, and opinions about other people and daily life. Each entry …

Chapter 2, 3, 4, 5 personality cards (ddr-csujad-26-32)
Journal entries written by high school students discussing their observations and perspectives on a variety of topics including weather, social interactions, barracks noise, the desire to leave camp, prospect of discrimination, reflections on "one year since 'evacuation,'" and the journey to camp. Each entry includes the full date and student name. The entries were part of …

Chapter 6 and 7 personality cards (ddr-csujad-26-34)
Journal entries written by high school students discussing their observations and perspectives on a variety of topics including living in barracks, block noise, lack of privacy, mess hall dining, nosy neighbors, jobs, leisure time, sports, movies, church attendance, the Young Buddhist Association (YBA), family dynamics, social changes, dating, and rumors. Each entry includes the full date …

Scrapbook for Fremont JACL (ddr-densho-491-177)
Containing photos, meeting notes, document related to special events, membership lists, social events from 1976

Book of 70th Anniversary of Japanese Congregational Church (ddr-densho-446-455)
The Japanese Congregational Church's 70th Anniversary coincided with the 100th Anniversary of the Japanese Christian Mission in North America. This book traces the history of JCC within the larger setting of national and local events, and some of the photos and narratives may be of interest. Ai Chih Tsai was pastor at JCC from 1948 to …

70th Anniversary of the Japanese Congregational Church (ddr-densho-474-53)
The Japanese Congregational Church's 70th Anniversary book traces the history of JCC within the context of national and local events.

Nakahara family tree (ddr-densho-477-48)
The family tree covers six generations. The title at the top of the page is "Nakahara family tree" written in black ink.