20 items
20 items
Visit to Okimura Island (ddr-one-2-646)
Black and white photographic print of approximately twenty unidentified individuals standing on a boat near Okimura Island. According to the donor Okimura Island is close to Hiroshima, Japan.
Visit to Okimura Island (ddr-one-2-647)
Black and white photographic print of six unidentified adults and one child on a boat.
Sakai Relatives (ddr-one-2-644)
Black and white photographic print of Shunya, Shiuko Sakai’s paternal uncle, standing in the garden.
Sakai Relatives (ddr-one-2-643)
Black and white photographic print of Shiuko Sakai's paternal uncle Shunya's wife, seated on the floor.
Visit to Okimura Island (ddr-one-2-653)
Black and white photographic print of an unidentified boy and girl, wearing zori (shoes) and standing in front of a business, possibly a salon owned by Shiuko Sakai's cousin (her uncle Shunya’s daughter).
Visit to Okimura Island (ddr-one-2-648)
Black and white photographic print of an unidentified child, possibly a paternal relative of Shiuko Sakai, standing with small bicycle and rock wall in background.
Visit to Okimura Island (ddr-one-2-657)
Black and white photographic print of Shiuko Sakai’s aunt’s daughter-in-law standing in front of house.
Visit to Okimura Island (ddr-one-2-655)
Black and white photographic print of (from left) Shiuko Sakai’s paternal aunt and her son seated in front of a window.
Visit to Okimura Island (ddr-one-2-658)
Black and white photographic print of Shiuko Sakai’s paternal aunt, with light shirt and dark skirt, standing under tree.
Visit to Okimura Island (ddr-one-2-659)
Black and white photographic print of Shiuko Sakai’s paternal aunt, wearing a kimono.
Sakai Relatives (ddr-one-2-645)
Black and white photographic print of Shunya, Shiuko Sakai’s paternal uncle, squatting in the garden.
Visit to Okimura Island (ddr-one-2-654)
Black and white photographic print of ten individuals. Woman seated on far left back is Shiuko Sakai’s paternal aunt, and woman standing in the back with her hands on a young boy is the wife of Shiuko Sakai's paternal uncle Shunya. The remaining photographed individuals are unidentified. Inscribed on the back: "DAIICHI SAKAI."
Sakai Relatives (ddr-one-2-641)
Black and white photographic print of Ataru Sakai, paternal cousin of Shiuko Sakai, standing outside home with wife seated and two daughters, Taeko and Noriko. Inscribed on the back: "Jan 1952/Ataru Sakai & family/Taeko & Noriko."
Sakai Relatives (ddr-one-2-662)
Black and white photographic print of Noriko Sakai, daughter of Ataru Sakai (Shiuko Sakai’s cousin), holding a doll and standing in the family house. Inscribed on the back: "Noriko 1953."
Visit to Okimura Island (ddr-one-2-656)
Black and white photographic print of a warehouse where soy sauce is made with daughter-in-law of Shiuko Sakai’s aunt standing in center of frame.
Visit to Okimura Island (ddr-one-2-652)
Black and white photographic print of two unidentified girls standing in front of house with stone wall in background.
Visit to Okimura Island (ddr-one-2-651)
Black and white photographic print of Shiuko Sakai's cousin (daughter of Shiuko Sakai’s paternal uncle Shunya) standing with six unidentified children in front of a house with a small bush to their left.
Visit to Okimura Island (ddr-one-2-649)
Black and white photographic print of Okimura’s shore, taken from aboard a boat. Paternal relatives had a house near the shore, close to boat dock, where Shiuko Sakai stayed for a few days.
Sakai Relatives (ddr-one-2-642)
Black and white photographic print of Shunya, Shiuko Sakai’s paternal uncle, seated on floor.
Visit to Okimura Island (ddr-one-2-650)
Black and white photographic print of Shiuko Sakai's aunt (married to her paternal uncle, Shunya) squatting next to one of her grandchildren who is holding a small bicycle.