4 items
4 items
White River Valley Chapter, Valley Civic League Social/Sunshine leaders (ddr-densho-277-68)
A list of the JACL White River Valley Chapter members who acted as the "Social/Sunshine" leaders from 1930 to 2009.
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 70, No. 12 (March 27, 1970) (ddr-pc-42-12)
Selected article titles: "JACL brands Japanese American students smart, affluent a myth" (p. 1), "Asian Americans protest attitude of Area Crusade" (p. 1), "Title II repeal hearings open: Goldberg calls it unconstitutional" (p. 1), "Asians picket Seattle NVC fete at Elks Club. Quiet Demonstration Against 'White Only' Elk Policy, Patronage" (p. 3), "Brazilian Nisei among 5 …